Chapter 37

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Alaska was woken up by a knock on the door. She stood up quickly, confused. The room was dark and both her and the sleeping blonde boy beside her were still fully clothed. Her head pulsing from the anxiety attack that she'd experienced a few hours ago.

The person knocking on the door still hadn't given up, so she decided to answer it before they woke up Luke. Alaska slid off the bed, wincing at the pain in her head and body. Her stomach growled a little as she straightened up and stepped forward, quickly looking back to see if the sound woke Luke, but he was fast asleep.

The digital clock on the nightstand showed it was two thirty in the morning. Who the hell could it be this late?

The knock on the door sounded again, too loud this time. Alaska moved as fast as she could towards the door and swung it open with a frown, ready to go off on whomever it was, her frown only growing bigger when she was met by a curly haired boy with a worried look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her so Luke wouldn't wake up from the noise.

"I came to see if you were okay," Harry said, whispering as well.

"I'm fine, Haz." Alaska rolled her eyes, she just wanted to go back to sleep. She couldn't even think with that headache.

"Are you sure?" He insisted, shoving his hands down his pockets nervously.

"Yes Harry, I'm fine. You didn't have to come here." She said.

"Well, I kind of did." He told her, looking down.

"What? Why?" Alaska looked up at him, confused.

"Because I love you, Al." Harry blurred out.

"What?" Alaska looked at him wide eyed.

Within seconds Harry cupped her face in his hands and smashed his lips against hers, giving her no time to react to it.


Luke put his arm out to feel her body next to him, but there was nothing. Just air.

Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes he lifted up onto his elbows. "Alaska?" He calls.

The room was dark and there was no sound or movement. Had she gone somewhere? Dammit. He was supposed to stay awake to watch her.

Leaping out of bed, he opened the curtains, frowning to see it was still dark. Luke walked towards the bathroom to check if she was in there. Maybe she was taking a bath? He tapped on the door but there was no sound.

"Alaska?" He called again but paused when he heard whispers coming from the hallway.

Walking towards it, he swag the door open and stepped out.

The first thing he saw was a brunette head of hair, his head bent over another brunette, his lips attached to hers.

"Alaska?" Disbelief set in as she pushed away from the guy. No. Not a guy, Harry Styles.

"What the fuck?" He exclaimed.

"Luke!" Alaska pushed Harry away and turned to Luke, eyes wide.

"What the hell is this?" He asked again, raising his voice.

Harry backed away slightly, apparently predicting that Luke would probably punch him in the face.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now