Chapter 24

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Alaska felt light headed. Almost like a huge dark cloud was taking the space inside her brain. This was the after effect of a panic attack. Oh god. She had a panic attack. Shit.

She opened her eyes to a dark room. A little light shone in from under the curtains. For how long had she slept?

Her entire body hurt. The hand under her head stung a little too. She lifted up but felt something heavy over her waist holding her down.

Looking over, she saw Luke sleeping peacefully behind her. His arm wrapped around her and the other over her head, laid on her pillow like he was trying to protect her from something.

She slowly turned around to face him; light snores left his lips. He must have brought her back to the house.

Her head was still cloudy so she didn't remember much from yesterday and she knew better not to force it out. The back of her head throbbed like it always did the day after a panic attack, indicating the day long headache she would have to bare with.

Luke's eyes fluttered slightly so wincing, she quickly plopped her head back on the pillow, hoping he didn't see her awake and woke up too. He had dark circles under his eyes, showing that he hadn't slept well.

Alaska reached out and ran a hand through his messy hair. She had a feeling she gave him a very hard time last night.

Suddenly Luke's phone started ringing from his bedside table, and she slowly placed her hand on his shoulder, lightly shaking him so he would wake up.

"Luke..." she whispered. "Luke, I think your phone is ringing."

Luke answered her with a groan, shifting a little on the bed and tightening his embrace on her.

"Luke, come on, wake up." Alaska smiled at his actions.

He groaned once again and finally gave up, still with his eyes closed, he let go of her and picked up his phone.

"Hello?" he talked in his rusty morning voice, "Yeah, I know...Fine. I'll be there, don't worry...bye."

Once he had ended the call, Luke jumped out of bed, now fully awake, looking around frenetically with his blue eyes wide.

"What is it?" she asked, sitting up on the bed.

"I overslept." He said, running a hand through his hair, "I have an interview in a hour and then sound check for tomorrow's show. Shit. I have to take a shower."

"Then go. Hurry up." She said, motioning him to the bathroom.

"Okay, yeah. I'm going." He said, rushing to the bathroom but stopping and turning to her, "Wait...about last night..."

"Luke, relax, I'm fine. Thank you." Alaska smiled at him. "Don't worry about me. Go get ready."

Luke nodded and quickly entered the bathroom.

While he showered, Alaska checked her phone for any messages from management, there was none, signaling that thankfully word of her freak out last night hadn't come out yet.

She sighed, searching in her purse for her anti-depressants, popping two pills into her mouth before standing up and changing into some confortable clothes, since she was still wearing the ones she wore last night.

After a few minutes Luke came back into the room already dressed. Alaska sat on the bed and watched as he hurriedly put on his shoes and put his wallet and phone on his back pockets.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now