Chapter 7

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Alaska had just gotten out of a meeting with Zoe about the whole "protecting her career" thing and she had actually agreed that this was something she needed to do. It was hard for her, she hadn't had a real boyfriend since Robbie, but again, Luke wasn't her real boyfriend.

Still, she felt bad about the way she yelled at Zoe in front of him. It wasn't his fault. Even thought Alaska didn't know much about him, she had a feeling he was a good guy, and that was what annoyed her most about this situation. Luke loved his life as a celebrity, she didn't; and everything was new and exciting for him, that's why she wanted to fuck him in the first place. He just seemed so happy, and she thought that maybe he could make her happy too, and he did, for that night, anyway. For more than that? No, she was positive that that was something no guy could ever do.

Her and Zoe had discussed that in order for this to work, they both had to be committed to it. Especially Alaska. She knew that she could make Luke do whatever she wanted; she could make whatever boy do whatever she wanted. But first she needed to show him she wasn't a total bitch.

She came back to the Adelaide Hotel right after exiting Zoe's office building. Flashbacks from the last Saturday night flooded her mind as she walked through the hallway. Alaska stopped in front of Luke's room, taking a deep breath before knocking on the door. This felt so unnatural to her, she never saw the people she slept with afterwards.

She heard noises coming from the other side of the door and was greeted by a smiling Michael Clifford.

"Hey! Oh my God! What are you doing here?" he asked, excited.

"I came to talk to Luke, is he here?" She answered, waking into the large hotel room. "New hair color, I see" she smiled at him.

"Yeah, it was actually inspired by you" he blushed, scratching the back of his neck. Alaska shot the green haired boy a confused look.

"Is that so?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah...because of your eyes" Michael explained.

"Oh right, thanks, I guess..." she chucked. She found it funny the fact that Michael worshipped her even though she had slept with his band mate and practically ruined their careers.

"Well, you're family now," he smiled, making Alaska chuckle again.

"Yeah, right. Where's Luke?" she asked, looking around.

"Oh, he's in the other room, I'll go get him!" Michael said, disappearing behind a door witch Alaska supposed led to a conjoint room.

Luke was sitting on the couch, playing FIFA with the other boys. He heard Michael call for him and quickly scored one last goal before standing up and walking towards his friend.

Michael gestured for him to follow him while lightly chuckling at the sight of Luke in only a black shirt and his teenage mutant ninja turtles' boxers. Luke rolled his eyes and followed Michael through the door, not really understanding what his friend was on about.

Luke froze when he heard a voice coming from behind him as he entered the room, "Hey Hemmings, nice underwear!"

"Shit! Alaska!" Luke turned around to find the most beautiful girl in the world smirking at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you" Alaska chuckled at the sight of Luke's cheeks turning bright red.

"Oh, mmmh" Luke scratched the back of his neck, avoiding to look into Alaska's bright eyes, "would it be okay if I'd put on some pants first?"

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now