Chapter 44

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Luke paced back and forth through the hallway, breathing heavily out of nervousness. He tugged at the end of the sleeves of his sweatshirt, trying to convince himself to just knock on the door.

After his talk with Zoe, Luke had gotten back to the hotel and finally told the boys what had happened between him Alaska, he needed their help in order to decide what to do. Zoe's words kept repeating themselves inside his head. He'd promise Alaska he wouldn't give up on her. He loved her; he needed to know if she loved him too, and, if she didn't, at least he would have some closure.

Just knock on the door, Luke. Knock on the door and ask her again.

He told himself, taking a deep breath and finally raising his hand and knocking on Alaska's door.

A few seconds later he heard the lock turn, the door opening to reveal the beautiful girl he'd missed so much. Alaska's eyes widened at the sight of Luke, she wasn't expecting to see him ever again.

Luke shot her a tired smile, she looked exactly how he remembered, but there's something about her...her eyes, once so magnetic, now just looked empty.

"W-what are you doing here?" Alaska asked him, her eyes wandering up and down his body as if to make sure he was really there.

"Hey Al," Luke smiled at her, his eyes filling with tears. Alaska continued to stare at him with big eyes; there was something breathtaking about the way he said her name.

"What are you doing here?" She asked again.

"I've missed you a lot." Luke said, looking down at his shoes.

"Luke I-" Alaska wasn't sure what to say, she'd missed him so much.

"I came to ask again." Luke told her.

"What?" Alaska shot him a confused look. She watched as Luke took a step forward, entering her apartment, and backed away as he closed the door behind him.

"I love you, Alaska." Luke confessed, raising his blue eyes to meet hers. "I never stopped loving you. Not for a minute, not for a second."

Alaska's eyes filled with tears.

"I need to know, Al...." Luke pleaded, watching as she backed away from him.

"I'm going to ask you again." He told her, "Do you love me?"

Alaska looked down, trying to process all the thoughts that ran through her mind.

"I do love you," she breathed out, her voice just above a whisper so that he could barely hear the unrequited fear in her voice. "I'm just scared to."

And it was true. She was absolutely, stupidly horrified about loving Luke and the feeling was practically engulfing her in its darkness.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows in either upset or confusion, Alaska couldn't tell much anymore. She just knew it probably wasn't a good feeling.

"Why are you so afraid of me? Afraid of loving me? There's got to be more than you being scared," he stated sternly, his blue eyes fixated on hers in all their seriousness. Just looking at him made her want to die of guilt.

Alaska rubbed her temples, squeezing her eyes shut as she felt the stupid, non-useful tears well up in her eyes. She always hated crying. It was annoying and a waste of time and it honestly just made her want to smack herself in the face a thousand times.

"I'm scared because I will destroy you, Luke." She said simply, easily because it was the truth; the stupid, painful, ugly truth. "I will tear you apart and hurt you, can't you understand?"

"But why, Alaska?" Luke insisted, "Why does it have to be this way?"

"Because that's what I do, Luke! All I know how to do it's to hurt people and push them away, why do you keep coming back, Luke?" Alaska was yelling now.

"I love you, Alaska! That's why!" Luke stepped forward just to have her back away even more, as if it hurt for her to be close to him.

"Look at us, Luke!" Alaska gestured at the distance between their bodies. "It's obvious love isn't doing any of us any good!"

"It doesn't have to be this way." Luke told her. "We can figure things out, Al..."

"No, we can't!" Alaska shook her head, "I can't go through this again!"

Luke stared at her with wide eyes as she continued to shout at him.

"I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't stop thinking about you! I don't know what's happening!" Alaska said, frustratingly running her hands through her hair, "I'm going mad, Luke! You made me go mad!"

"You're making me mad now, Alaska!" Luke shouted back, rushing towards her and holding her shoulders, making her look into his eyes. "And that's exactly what love is supposed to do."

"I don't want to hurt you again, Luke." She said quietly now, due to their proximity. "I love you so much, I can't hurt you again."

"Then don't." Luke told her, his eyes boring into hers as he swiped her tears away with his thumbs.

"What if the way we started made it something cursed from the start?" She asked him, his smell making her dizzy.

"Then we'll start again." Luke said with a smile, cupping her face.

"Okay." Alaska said quietly, her words lost as Luke leaned in, placing his soft lips on hers.

Alaska wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back passionately. She'd missed him so much; she loved him with every part of her being. Luke placed his hands on her waist, bringing her as close to him as possible, Alaska's stomach flipping at the realization that she'd never felt so safe or so vulnerable with no one else; and that maybe this was a good thing.

*This is the end guys!!! Thank you for reading it, I hope you guys liked it!!! Love you!

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now