Chapter 26

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Luke hadn't talked to her all morning. She knew that he was a little jealous when she was talking to that guy in the club, but this was ridiculous. That had gone out for breakfast with his family, and nothing. Then they went to the supermarket with Liz to pick up some things for the barbecue, and nothing. They spent the whole morning helping out his parents and the boys set up the barbecue, and guess what? Nothing.

Even though she found his behavior a little annoying, she tried her best to act as though everything was okay. She didn't want to ruin Luke's last chance to say goodbye to his friends and family because of one stupid fight; that wasn't even a real one.

The barbecue was currently in full swing. Alaska was standing in the corner by herself, slowly gulping down a cup of beer. She could feel Luke's eyes on her from across the room, but every time she tried to catch his gaze he would turn away.

"Jeez, I could feel the tension from outside!" Ashton chuckled from beside her, making her jump, "what the hell happened between you two?"

"Nothing. Luke's just being annoying." She huffed, drowning the last of her beer.

"I don't know why you two don't have babies already." Ashton joked.

"Stop it, Ash!" Alaska turned to him, starting to get annoyed by him too.

"Sorry, I just think you're both just postponing the inevitable." He shrugged.

"It's not going to happen, Ash." Alaska rolled her eyes.

"Why not?"

"It's complicated."

"No it isn't, it's actually pretty simple."

"Fine. I'm complicated." She sighed. "I'm not dragging him into my mess."

"Did you ever think that maybe he wants to be a part of your mess?" Ashton shot her a questioning look. Damn him.

"Well, if he does, then he's insane." Alaska said, watching Luke talk to Calum on the other side of the room. They were both laughing, Luke's smile shining bright as he ran a hand through his blonde hair; Alaska remembered what it felt to tug on it. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts to find Ashton staring at her with a smirk on his face; she groaned and rolled her eyes, making her way to the kitchen. She needed some time alone.

She thanked the gods that Luke's kitchen had a door, and closed it behind her, taking a deep breath. She walked towards the sink and poured herself a glass of water, her heart jumping when she heard a voice from behind her.

"Hello beautiful. Fancy seeing you here."

Alaska turned around to find Thomas, the guy from the club entering the room and closing the door behind him. He looked nice, but Alaska was too annoyed at everything to try and talk with him.

"Are you stalking me or something?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the tall guy.

"Don't flatter yourself, Young. I'm a friend of Ashton's, I didn't even knew you would be here." He said, taking a step forward.

"Right. Of course not." Alaska wasn't buying any of his bullshit. "You saw me in the club with them but thought I wouldn't be here today, you must have a really hard time figuring things out, huh?"

"Feisty!" Thomas smirked at her, "I like it."

Alaska rolled her eyes at him.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now