Chapter 41

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The light shone through the curtains and hit Alaska's face, making her squint and slowly open her green eyes. She lazily sat up on the bed, pushing away Luke's arm – which was wrapped around her waist – and standing up from the bed. Alaska rubbed her eyes and picked Luke's flannel off the floor and put it on, not really needing to put anything else on since Luke's shirt was like a dress on her.

She made her way into the kitchen, searching for something to eat, they had skipped dinner last night and she was starving. Of course Alaska found nothing since she practically never ate at home, so there was never anything but coffee in her kitchen.

So she made some, sitting at a stool and turning to her bedroom. She could see Luke's feet on bed; he was still sound asleep. She quietly sipped on her coffee as she watched the sleeping boy from a distance, feeling extremely bored. Alaska stayed in the kitchen alone for a few more minutes, finishing her coffee, before finally deciding that she needed to just wake Luke up.

She let out a big groan and walked out of the kitchen, dragging herself through the living room and into her bedroom again.

Luke was still asleep when Alaska entered the room. He was laying on his stomach, his face buried in a pillow and his bare back on full display. Alaska climbed onto the bed and straddled Luke's back, leaning down and leaving a few short kisses on his shoulder.

"Babe," Luke giggled into the pillow. "That tickles."

"Get up." Alaska whined, running her hands up and down Luke's back. "It's past noon and I'm bored and hungry."

"I'm tired." Luke mumbled.

"And I'm still bored and hungry." Alaska pouted, continuing to rub Luke's back. He didn't seem to mind. "Let's do something."

"I'm so tired, babe." Luke groaned and moved his head a little so his face was no longer in the pillow and Alaska could understand him. He still kept his eyes closed though.

"Please, Luke?" She begged. She kissed all over Luke's back again, making him let out a big sigh. Luke was really tired, he hadn't slept at all during the few days he was in London without Alaska and he had taken an early morning flight to come to New York, so he was absolutely exhausted.

"You know I'm leaving in the evening, right?" Luke said and finally rolled over, keeping Alaska on his lap and looking up at her.

"Yeah...I know..." She sighed, "but let's do something before you go!"

"Like what?" Luke asked, rubbing his eyes with his hands.

"Like go out for breakfast..." Alaska wiggled her eyebrows at him, making Luke chuckle.

"I could eat some breakfast..." Luke wandered, smiling wide at her, taking Alaska's hands in his own and intertwining their fingers. She laughed, leaning down once again and bringing her lips to Luke's.

He smiled into the kiss and let go of Alaska's hands, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. Alaska bit down softly on his lip, causing him to let out a small moan.

"Okay, we're going to need to stop or I'm never going to want to get out of bed." Luke said, raising his eyebrows at Alaska. "If you know what I mean."

"Come on, I'm hungry!" Alaska chuckled, climbing off of Luke and getting out of bed, walking over to her closet.

"Fine, let's eat!" Luke said, sitting up slowly and rubbing his eyes. Alaska could feel him staring at her as she stripped off his t-shirt and looked for something else to wear.

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