Chapter 31

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"Luke?" Alaska's voice coming from the doorframe of her bedroom made Luke raise his head and look at her.

            Alaska walked into the living room, her hair still wet from the shower she had just gone out of. Luke was playing with Arthur while he waited for her, and stopped when she sat beside him on the couch.

            "What?" he raised an eyebrow at her. She was wearing some skintight black jeans and a Green Day cut out shirt of his that she had claimed as hers.

            Luke and Alaska had spent almost two days without leaving her apartment. Well, Luke left once because he needed a change of clothes. But other than that, they had spend the moment they came home from their date to the present time cuddling, having sex and eating take out food. And honestly, Luke could spend his whole life doing just that, if Alaska was there with him.

            "I'm really hungry." Alaska confessed.

            "Thank God, me too" Luke sighed. Alaska had nothing eatable at her place besides coffee, so it wasn't like he could just go to the kitchen and make himself a sandwich. "Do you want to order something?"

            "Nah. Let's go out." Alaska said, standing up.

            "Are you sure?" He asked. He knew that she needed some time to get used to the whole 'dating for real' thing, so he wanted to be extra sure that she was ready to be real in public too.

            "Yeah, let's go. If I don't have something to eat, like, right now I'll die." She whined.

            "Sounds intense." Luke chuckled, following her towards the door.

            "Yeah. I'm intensely hungry, now come on!" Alaska said, dragging him out of the apartment.


            "I feel kinda wrong." Luke said.

            "Shush!" Alaska said, shoving a bite of pancakes in her mouth.

            "It's just that it's weird to eat breakfast food for lunch. It feels strange." He said, taking a bite of a piece of bacon.

            "Breakfast food is the best food. I don't know why people eat anything other than this." She said, pointing to the tower of pancakes on her plate.

            "Yeah, but still. It's weird." He shrugged. "How the hell did you find a place that still serves breakfast at 3pm?"

            "I used to come here with Robbie all the time. He came home one day saying that he found a place with the best pancakes in New York City, so I had to see it for myself, and he was right. He was always right." Alaska said, trying to shrug her thoughts away. "Anyway, it became kind of our place."

            Luke sat in silence for a while, watching Alaska. He wanted to ask her, he just didn't know how. He didn't know how to ask or how she would react. But he just had to.

            "Al..." He spoke softly after a long time.

            "Yeah?" she turned to look to the boy, who looked a little nervous.

            "Wha-What happened between you and Robbie?" Luke asked hesitantly, "I mean, what happened to him?"

            Alaska looked at him with big eyes. How could she answer him? Was she ready to tell him? She had no idea. She studied the face of the boy who was now the boyfriend. She had spent the last two days getting used to the idea of being his girlfriend, of being with him. Alaska liked Luke. She liked him. She liked watching his lips move as he talked and liked the way he played with his lip ring. She liked the way his legs were so long they pretty much had to touch hers under the table. She liked his smile and the way his breath smelled like cinnamon even after pizza. She liked Luke and all the things that made him Luke. It was ridiculous to think that they knew each other well enough to have these sorts of feelings for each other, but that was exactly how she felt. And it scared how to death.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now