Chapter 5

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Alaska's eyes fluttered open as she began to stand up, holding herself up with her elbows. Her head hurt as she looked around the unfamiliar room. She didn't remembered much from last night, but she did remembered sleeping with someone. Yes, she had definitely had sex with someone. She raised an eyebrow to the sleeping figure next to her. She had definitely slept with whoever that blonde boy was.

            "Shit" she muttered to herself as she tried to remember who he was, Luke, his name was definitely Luke...Oh my God, she remembered, Luke Hemmings, that was his name, from 5 Seconds of Summer. And suddenly everything started coming back to her. The show; the club; the alley; the kiss. Her head felt like it was about to blow up; she needed to get out of there before he woke up.

            Alaska quickly put on her underwear and her dress, trying to be as quiet as possible, she grabbed her boots and tiptoed around the bed, trying to get to the door as fast as possible. She couldn't remember much about the sex, but it must have been good, because she felt really tired.

            When she was a few feet from the door, Luke turned on the bed, opening his eyes to find Alaska trying to sneak out. He rubbed his hands and looked over at her, seeming a bit confused.

            "Good morning" Luke said, in a hoarse voice.

            Alaska opened her mouth to say something, ready to give him some excuse for leaving before he woke up, but was interrupted by the sound of her cellphone ringing inside of her purse. She rolled her eyes and answered it with an annoyed voice.

            "Alaska Young, what the hell were you thinking?" A voice yelled from the other end, Alaska knew exactly who it belonged to.           

            "Hey Zoe!" she said with a sight. Zoe was her manager, and Alaska could tell she was pissed off, she just didn't know why.

            "Don't you go 'heying' me, missy!" Zoe screamed, "Tell me right now what the hell were you doing with Luke Hemmings last night!"

            Alaska's eyes widened and she glared at Luke, who was still sitting in the bed with a confused look on his face. Luke didn't know who Alaska was talking to, but he was sure it wasn't a good thing.

            "How did you know about that?" she asked, wondering if Zoe had hidden cameras on the hotel room or something.

            "Are you fucking kidding me? You are everywhere!" Zoe was so mad; Alaska bit her bottom lip nervously. "You kissed him in the middle of the fucking street! Are you fucking stupid? Your pictures are all over the internet!"

            Alaska didn't know what to say, she hated when people yelled at her, and when Zoe got angry she used an unnecessary amount of swear words.

            "Is he there with you?" Zoe asked.

            "Yeah..." Alaska answered, looking over to the confused and now embarrassed boy.

            "You two need to come here right this second! His manager will meet us in my office in a hour!" Zoe said and hung up.

            "Fuck my life!" Alaska muttered to herself. Zoe had made her headache worse, all she wanted was to go back home and sleep until the hangover went away, but now she had to sit through a meeting with Luke and their managers to try to fix yet another problem she had gotten herself into.

            "Get dressed!" Alaska told Luke. She remembered she hadn't taken her pills yet, and she didn't have them with her, which meant that the mood swings would start anytime now.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now