Chapter 43

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"Luke! Over here!" Zoe waived at him as Luke made his way into the coffee shop.

Luke had debated if he was going to show up or not to meet her. Zoe wasn't his favorite person in the world at the moment and he didn't feel like going back to the coffee shop, knowing that it was one of Alaska's favorite places. But somehow the boys convinced him to go, and he had to admit that he was dying to know how Alaska was doing.

"Hey." He mumbled, sitting at a chair in front of her.

"Hey." Zoe chuckled at the boy in front of her, he looked exactly like Alaska did when she saw her a few days ago; bags under his eyes, messy hair and a sad expression on his face.

"What?" Luke raised an eyebrow at her.

"You look just like her," Zoe said, "if not worse."

Luke rolled her eyes, "you wanted to talk? Talk." He said coldly.

Zoe took a sip of her tea, keeping her brown eyes on Luke as if she was studying him. Luke watched her impatiently as she took her time, putting down her cup and resting her arms over the table.

"I've known Alaska for a long time." She finally spoke. "I met her when she was new in the city, I was with her when Robbie died, I watched her become more and more depressed, I watched as she self sabotaged all her relationships since then...I've been there all along but I've never seen her like this."

"Like what?" Luke mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

"Like she's given up." Zoe said simply.

Luke raised his eyes, shooting Zoe a confused look.

"You know, we used to fight a lot more than we do now." Zoe trailed of, smiling at the memories going through her head. "And I remember one time, after Robbie died, she'd just disappear for days on end; she would avoid my calls, miss work and I would find out that she'd been out partying, doing drugs, sleeping with strangers, drinking until she'd pass out..."

"I would yell at her every single time, tell her that it was damaging her career, all of that...and she would just smile..." Zoe chuckled, "She just smiled, you know? That Alaska smile that means 'You don't know me at all. You never will.'"

Luke stared wide eyed at Zoe, not sure of what to say.

"She knew it was bad for her, she knew it was destroying her; she just didn't care." Zoe told him.

"What does this have to do with me?" Luke asked.

"This happened when she lost Robbie, and there was nothing I could do to help her." Zoe said, "and now she lost you. And I would be a fool for not doing everything I can to make sure she doesn't fall back into her old habits."

"I don't understand." Luke looked down.

"She needs you, Luke." Zoe told him. "She might be too proud and to stubborn to see it. But I know she loves you, I know she does."

"You're wrong." Luke shook his head, his eyes fixed on the ground.

"Sorry?" Zoe raised an eyebrow at him.

"She doesn't love me." Luke said quietly, the realization making his stomach drop. "I've asked her, she doesn't love me."

"Ask again." Zoe told him.

"What?" Luke raised his eyes at her.

"Ask her again." Zoe shrugged.

Luke returned to stare at the ground, shaking his head no, he wouldn't be able to take it.

"You know," Zoe stood up. "I've never took you as a quitter, Hemmings."

Luke's head snapped at Zoe, who sent him a small smile and walked towards the door, leaving Luke alone to deal with his own thoughts.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now