Chapter 6

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Alaska woke up with the sound of her ringtone blasting from her phone. She groaned as she searched for the device on the bedside table, her eyes still closed.

"What?" She answered with a groan.

"Good morning!" The person on the other line spoke softly.

"Who is this and why the fuck are you calling me so early?" Alaska asked, rubbing her eyes.

"It's Luke" he said, he seemed nervous, "did I woke you?"

"Of course you did! It's fucking 8am!" Alaska said, annoyed.

"Sorry..." Luke said, quietly.

"How did you get my number?" she asked, sitting up on the bed.

"Zoe gave it to me," Luke said, and she made a mental note to kill Zoe later, "she told me that we needed to meet up with her at her office in half a hour..."

"Shit! Are you serious?" Alaska asked, getting up and searching for her clothes on the floor.

"Yeah, something about going public with the relationship..." Luke said, noticing that Alaska seemed really annoyed with his phone call.

"At 8am?" Alaska yelled; she hated mornings.

"So I get that you're not a morning person?" Luke chuckled.

"Not exactly" Alaska smiled at Luke's realization. She held her phone between her neck and her cheek so she could use her hands to put on her pants. She jumped up and down trying to slide the skinny jeans up, causing her to drop her phone. "Fuck!" she muttered, picking her phone up.

"You curse a lot, you know?" Luke joked.

"Shut up." Alaska chuckled, "I'm late, there's no way I'll be there on time AND look presentable..."

"I'm on my way right now, I can pick you up if you want..." Luke said, a little hesitant.

Alaska looked around at the room, there was no way she would make it on time by taking the subway, and hailing a cab on this part of town was impossible at this hour, "Yeah, that would be great"

"Really?" Luke said, surprised that she had taken up on his offer.

"Yeah, I'll text you the address, okay?" she said, wanting to hang up so she could use her hands to put on her shirt.

"Alright, see you in a bit!" Luke said; Alaska could feel him smile on the other side.

"Thanks! Bye!" She said, hanging up before he could say something. She quickly tipped the address and sent it to him.

Alaska had just finished putting on her clothes when the sleepy boy turned around on the bed.

"Are you leaving already?" He asked her in a husky voice.

"Yeah, I have a meeting..." she said, walking over to the bathroom to check on her appearance.

"You always have fucking meetings" the boy complained, sitting up.

"Well, I'm a very busy woman!" Alaska smiled, leaning against the bathroom doorframe, watching the shirtless boy before her.

"I bet you are," he said, as she walked in his direction. Alaska climbed onto the bed, placing her legs on either side of his body, kissing him softly on the lips. He brought his hands to her back and deepened the kiss.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now