Chapter 27

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Alaska could honestly say that this was the most awkward plane ride in the history of time.

After their 'fight' last night...was it a fight? Alaska wasn't sure; she had spent the night at Michael's house, he had texted Luke telling him they would meet at the airport in the morning and to not worry about Alaska.

At first, she had been really worried about Luke. She knew that she had hurt him, but she didn't mean to, and the way he reacted had hurt her just as much. Luke was probably the first person she had really opened up to since Robbie. He knew that she was bad at relationships; he knew she had a hard time opening up and sharing her feelings. She was pissed at him for putting her in the spot like that and getting mad at her when she didn't reciprocate his feelings. He was expecting her to be someone she wasn't, and that pissed her off.

They hadn't spoken a word to each other since they had arrived in the airport. Alaska was sitting in the middle row, between Ashton and Michael, while Luke sat beside Calum next to the window.

She could feel Luke staring at her from time to time but after a while he kind of gave up, putting on his earplugs and hiding his face in his beanie.

No one said a word from the moment they entered the plane until the time when they were all entering the car to leave. Thankfully the fans didn't know they would be coming back to New York today, so they didn't have to pretend everything was fine while walking through the airport.

They all entered the big black SUV that was waiting for them, the seats faced each other and Alaska and Luke exchanged awkward glances until they arrived at her house.

"Thank for the ride guys." She said quietly, getting out of the car and closing the door behind her, leaving the boys as driver helped her take her suitcases off of the trunk.

"Dude!" Michael slapped the back of Luke's head.

"Ouch! What the fuck?" Luke whined, rubbing his neck in pain.

"You have to talk to her!" Ashton said.

"I think I've humiliated myself enough, thank you." Luke said sarcastically.

"You can't just tell her you love her and then never talk to her again, Luke! You two have to figure this out." Michael said.

"Guys, she doesn't feel the same way about me. There's nothing to figure out." Luke said sadly.

"Come on, man. You know how Alaska is like...complicated as fuck. She's just confused about her feelings, that doesn't mean you should give up." Ashton said.

"Yeah, plus, she's kind of your fake girlfriend and it might be awkward if you guys hate each other." Calum said.

Luke's gaze switched between the three boys. "Fucking hell." He groaned, getting out of the car.

The boys cheered as he made his way into Alaska's building. Luke made his way up the stairs quickly, trying to figure out what he was going to say. He had no idea, but the things the boys had told him continued playing inside his head until he reached her front door. It didn't matter if she was confused or if she was complicated. He wasn't going to let her slip away this fast. He wouldn't give up on her yet.


Alaska had just finished putting her bags away and saying hi to Arthur, she had missed him very much; when she heard a knock on her door.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now