Chapter 36

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Luke watched Alaska and Harry talking on the side of the stage. They were in the middle of their first performance and he just couldn't concentrate with the two of them making googly eyes at each other backstage.

It had been like that all week. Whenever Luke and the boys had a performance or an interview Alaska would go out with Harry. It drove him insane. She kept insisting that they were just friends, but Luke wasn't sure if he trusted her anymore. It killed him to think about Alaska like this, he knew he should trust her, but, at the same time, she and Harry had history, how could he just ignore it?

How could he compete with Harry? He was like, a superstar. Okay, to be fair Luke was also kinda famous, but nothing like Harry 'the sex god' Styles. And every time he saw her laugh at his jokes or touch his arm playfully, he felt a pang of jealousy in the pit of his stomach.

He knew that it Alaska had a flirtatious nature and that she received a lot of attention from guys, but he just wasn't used to it, and didn't know how to act on it. Maybe it he just had to forget his insecurities and remind himself that Alaska was his girlfriend, even though he sometimes had some trouble believing in it himself.

"That was awesome babe!" Alaska exclaimed as Luke and the boys exited the stage and the 1D boys entered it, starting their performance. She quickly ran into Luke's arms, placing a light peck on his lips.

"Nah, it was kind of crap." Luke shook his head. He knew he hadn't given his best, he was too distracted with thoughts of Alaska to give his all on stage and that really bummed him out.

Alaska raised an eyebrow at Luke, running her fingers through his messy hair. "Why do you say that?"

She had never seen Luke leave a show like this, he was always excited, full of adrenaline, but today he just looked upset.

"I was shit." Luke said, sighing and looking down, trying to avoid Alaska's gaze, but keeping his hands firm on her waist.

"Hey. Don't say that." Alaska said, cupping his face and making him look into her eyes, "you were great."

Luke stared into her worried eyes, nodding slowly than wrapping his arms tightly around her, bringing her to his chest. "I guess I'm just a little tired." He said, feeling Alaska sigh in his embrace.

"Go take a shower and then we can go back to the hotel to rest, yeah?" she sent Luke a small smile and he nodded again.

Alaska followed Luke into their dressing room and sat on the couch as she waited for Luke to shower. Her mind wondering to the crazy week they had.

She had never gone on tour before. It was strange. It didn't feel right. Of course she was happy to be here with Luke and to be supporting him, but at the same time, there wasn't much for her to do. Luke and the boys were always busy with interviews and meet and greets, and, when they came back, they were always too tired to hang out with her.

For the first coupe of days she had been hanging around the hotel, leaving to grab a coffee once in a while. But then Harry offered to take her out one day, and she went, they were friends now, so she thought it would be fine; but it kind of became a regular thing.

Since the 1D boys' tour hadn't actually started – they were just doing these performances while 5SOS were in England – they had more free time, and since Harry knew the city very well he began to take her out to meet this really cool places in London. It was fun because Alaska liked Harry and both of them seemed to be past the whole 'relationship' thing, they were just friends, that was it. But she still felt guilty that she couldn't be sharing those moments with Luke, which she had to admit it was a little selfish in her part because she knew Luke had his career and he had things to do. But she still wished she could be spending time with him.

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