Chapter 33

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"We are on the 11th floor, along with the boys." Luke said as he read the number on the room key. "The One Direction guys are on the 12th."

They had just arrived at the hotel where they would be staying for the first week and a half of the tour aka the part of the tour where they would be with 1D.

"Right here, babe." Luke said opening the door to their room and letting Alaska walk in first.

"Finally!" she said, dropping her bags and jumping on the bed.

Luke chuckled at her actions, closing the door and putting down is suitcases as well. He slowly walked towards the bed and crawled over Alaska, eyes locked on hers.

"I'm really happy you're here." He said, kissing her neck.

Alaska's hands roamed his back and rested on the back of his neck where her fingers started to play with his blonde hair.

"Me too." She half-whispered as he placed one hand on her waist, the other one resting on the side of her head in other for him to maintain his balance.

Luke slowly leaned down, placing a lingering kiss on her lips. He had barely pulled away when Alaska's hands cupped his face and brought him back again for a passionate kiss. She parted her lips, allowing Luke to enter his tongue in her mouth.

"Hhmm..." they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat by the door.

They quickly pulled apart and turned their heads to find Michael standing by the doorway.

"I would tell you two to get a room. But I guess you already did." Michael smirked.

"Fuck off Mikey!" Luke groaned.

"I just came by to tell you guys that the 1D lads are waiting for us upstairs." He said.

"Fine. We'll be there in a sec." Luke told him, getting off from over Alaska. She sat on the bed and straightened her dress.

"Alright, no funny business you two!" Michael waved them off and walked out of the room.

"Damn Michael." Luke cursed under his breath, making Alaska chuckle. She stood up and offered him her hand.

"Come on. Let's go say hi." She smiled.

Luke smiled back, taking her hand and following her out of the room.


"Al!" The second they walked into the room Alaska was immersed in a gigantic group hug. The One Direction boys rushed to her, Liam picking her up from the ground in a bear hug while the other boys joined in.

Luke and the boys stared at the scene confused.

"Can't. Breathe." Alaska said, the boys finally putting her down.

"We missed you so much, little one" Niall said cheerfully.

"Yeah, don't disappear on us again, alright?" Liam agreed.

"I missed you too, I promise I won't." Alaska smiled. She really had missed them, they were all great friends before her thing with Harry, but it was hard to stay in touch when you are always on different parts of the world and, as Ashton said, one of you 'dumped' the other's best friend.

"How about you guys? How are you?" Louis asked. Alaska stood there watching all the boys exchange their hellos, standing next to Luke the whole time.

Suddenly the missing member entered the room, everyone falling silent for a moment. Alaska watched the long haired boy enter the room slowly, making direct eye contact with her, and she suddenly relaxed when he sent her a warm smile.

"Hey Al." Harry smiled. Luke glanced over at Alaska, who sent Harry a smile back.

"Hey Haz." She said, walking over to him, the tall boy engulfing her in a hug. Luke frowned. 'Haz'? What the fuck? They had nicknames for each other?

"How are you?" Harry asked her, letting go of her small body.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's great to see you again." He said.

"You too." She said. She could tell everyone was staring at them, studying how the ex-couple acted around each other.

"I missed you. We all did." Harry said, staring down at her with his warm green eyes.

"Me too." Alaska sent him a soft smile.

"Hhmmm." Alaska heard Luke clear his throat behind her. She turned around and sent him a glare.

"Luke, mate. How are you?" Harry asked, giving Luke a quick hug.

"Just peachy." Luke said through greeted teeth. Alaska elbowed him in the arm and raised an eyebrow at him.

Harry quickly sensed the tension and turned to say hi to the other boys. Alaska felt Luke's hand wrap around her back protectively, rolling her eyes at his behavior.

"Let's crack open some beers shall we? Get a chance to catch up." Louis offered. It was still early, but none of them would ever refuse a drink, so they all sat down on the little 'lounge' between Liam and Louis' rooms.

"Here you go." Harry said, sitting down beside Alaska on the couch and handing her a beer.

"Thanks." Alaska smiled. She had always liked Harry; he was a really nice guy.

Luke stood in the other side of the room, trying to focus on his conversation with Niall and Calum, but his attention kept turning to Alaska and Harry talking on the couch. She was laughing. He was making her laugh. Luke felt a pang of jealousy in his stomach.

"So, you and Luke, huh?" Harry raised an eyebrow at Alaska.

"Yeah." She nodded, taking a gulp of her beer.

"Are you guys really together?"

"What do you mean?" Alaska frowned at him.

"Well, you have never been into relationships...and it just seems weird." Harry said. He was right, damn.

"Yeah, well. People change, I guess..." Alaska shrugged.

"Yeah. I guess." Harry raised an eyebrow at her. "My problem with you was always timing, wasn't it?"

"Haz..." she started, she wanted to apologize for breaking things off with him and to tell him that he was a nice guy and that it wasn't his fault that things didn't work out, but of course someone interrupted them.

"Hey guys," Luke appeared out of nowhere, siting right between the two of them. "What's going on?"

"Just catching up." Harry mumbled.

"Cool." He said, nodding his head. "The guys are talking about going out for drinks in a bit, what do you think babe?" Luke asked, placing his hand on Alaska's tight.

"Yeah, sound alright." She said quietly, brushing Luke's hand off of her leg and glaring at him.

"How about you, Harry?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." Harry said, Alaska could tell how uncomfortable he was.

"Great! Let's go get ready then, babe!" Luke said, placing a peck on Alaska's lips.

"Sure." Alaska rolled her eyes, standing up and following Luke and the other boys out of the room.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now