Chapter 4

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It must have been pretty late, because there was no one else on the streets. Luke stopped at the sidewalk and let go of her hand. He took a deep breath. He was a little insecure; they weren't inside the club where everyone was grinding on each other anymore. They were alone, and he wasn't sure what to do.

They were a few inches from each other, and Luke was swaying back and forth on his heels, he looked down at the floor and then back at Alaska, who shot him a puzzled look.

"What?" she let out a small laugh, just like she had done when they were both alone at the alley.

"I just really want to kiss you..." Luke said; he had no idea where that confidence had come from, and he blushed as she gave him a little smirk.

Alaska took a few steps forward, without taking her eyes off of his. She stopped walking once their noses here practically touching and the space between them was almost completely gone. She stood on her tiptoes and brought her lips close to his ear. "Then what are you waiting for?" she whispered, sending goose bumps down Luke's spine.

He slowly placed his hands on her waist, holding her body as close as possible to his. Her green eyes met his blue ones again while she wrapped her hands around his neck. He finally leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. Alaska kissed him back immediately, their lips molding together; the kiss started slow and soft, but she wanted more; she slowly slipped her tongue into Luke's mouth and bit his bottom lip softly. Luke responded by wrapping his arms tightly around her waist and kissing her back passionately. He had never felt this way before, he was drunk on her kiss, her lips were so soft and the way she played with his hair drove him crazy, he wanted to keep kissing her forever.

But soon they both had to pull apart. They stood there for a while, arms wrapped around each other, foreheads pressed together, breathing heavily as they smiled looking at each other's eyes. Alaska kissed him shortly once more; she had liked the way his lip ring felt against her lips.

"Let's get out of here!" Luke said, repeating her words from earlier with a smile. She nodded and they both started looking around to find a cab. Luke involuntarily took her hand on his, walking down the street as he spotted a taxi.

He raised his hand, trying to get the driver's attention, but failed, and they both watched the cab drive away. "Shit!" Luke muttered to himself.

Alaska let out a little sight, of course the Aussie couldn't get a cab, she, on the other hand, was a Manhattan girl now. She saw another taxi turning the street and stepped closer to sidewalk, standing in front of Luke. He watched as she brought her hand to her mouth, whistling loud, raising her other hand over her head. Luke's jaw dropped as he watched the cab stop for both of them and followed Alaska as she opened the door and slid her small body through the leather seat.

Luke sat next to her and closed the door. "Where to?" The driver asked.

Alaska and Luke exchanged looks. "Where are you staying?" she asked, biting down her lower lip. Luke wanted to kiss her again so badly.

"The Adelaide Hotel" Luke answered her, loud enough for the driver to hear. He looked down at her and nervously bit the inside of his cheek.

"The Adelaide Hotel it is!" Alaska smiled, nodding to the cab driver. She had never brought a guy to her place, and would like it to keep it that way.

The man started the car and Luke stared straight ahead. Alaska could see that he was nervous, she was sure that he had never done anything like that before, unlike her. She found it funny, because he was very cute, and hot, but he seemed to be extremely insecure.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now