Chapter 10

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Luke was awaken by the boy's screams coming from the other room. He groaned to himself and sat on the bed, cursing under his breath until he realized it weren't only the usual voices of his band mates who had woken him up, but a girl's voice as well; Alaska's voice, to be more specific.

He stood up quickly and glanced at his cellphone; it was already 4pm, he had missed lunch. Luke got dressed and opened the door to find the boys and Alaska sitting on the couch. Michael and Ashton cheered as Alaska beat Calum in a very intense game of FIFA.

"Morning guys" Luke said, his raspy morning voice starling Alaska, whose head snapped his way and shot him a warm smile.

"Afternoon" Calum corrected him, pausing the game.

"What are you doing here?" Luke asked Alaska, still confused.

"Well, I passed by to see if you would like to get some breakfast, but you looked so peaceful sleeping in your hamburger underwear..." Alaska stood up and smirked at him, making Luke blush. "...So the guys told me to stick around until you woke up and I proceeded to kick their asses on FIFA until now."

"Hey! I was close to winning!" Calum protested.

"No you weren't!" Ashton said, making the four of them chuckle.

Luke felt warm inside at the thought of Alaska coming by to spend time with him, but at the same time, a little jealous that his friends got to hang out with her. "I'm sorry, you could had woken me up" he said.

"No worries, hey, we can still grab a cup of coffee if you like...I mean, since you slept all through the day, we kinda ordered room service..." Alaska said, and Luke nodded.

"Yeah, coffee sounds good" he smiled, "wait, did management put you up to this?" Luke asked, trying to remind himself that it was all fake.

"Of course" Alaska shrugged and Luke's face fell, "but it doesn't mean we can't make it fun!"

A smile crept its way to Luke's face and he nodded, going to his room to put his shoes on. He could hear Alaska saying goodbye to the boys and teasing Calum about his 'not so good' abilities on FIFA.

"Shall we?" Alaska asked when Luke returned.

"Yeah, let's go" he smiled.

They got into a cab and sat in silence until they arrived at the coffee shop Alaska chose. Luke still felt a little odd about the whole fake-dating thing, he didn't knew if it was for the fact that Alaska was such a great actress that it made it difficult to know whether she was faking or not, or if it was for the fact that she looked so fucking gorgeous in her sundress and Chuck's, making him want to kiss the hell out of her.

Although she hated to admit it; Alaska had a great time hanging out with Luke's friends. It's true that she had been dragged to their hotel by Zoe, who kept telling her they needed to 'sell it' or whatever that meant. However, she could have left when she found out Luke was sleeping, but she hadn't. She stayed and hung out with his friends. She didn't know why, but it felt really good.

"Here we are!" she smiled when they reached her favorite coffee shop. Even though it was located on the Upper East Side, a strategic place for paparazzi, it was a very small and hipster place that made the best coffee she had ever drunk in her entire life.

Luke was about to open the cab door when she stopped him. "We're boyfriend and girlfriend, remember" she said, more like a statement than a warning. He nodded and stepped out, holding the door open for her.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now