Chapter 12

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Luke and Alaska sat facing each other on the small table, Alaska stuffing her face with the food they had ordered from room service and Luke watching her, trying not to laugh.

"What?" Alaska questioned, taking another bite of her pancakes.

"Nothing, you just-" Luke started, but stopped himself.

"What?" she insisted, gulping down her coffee.

"It's eat a lot..." he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Excuse me?" Alaska asked, pretending to be offended.

"No, I don't mean it like that!" Luke blushed, "it's just that most girls, actress like you, don't eat pancakes and stuff..."

"Well, I'm not like most girls" Alaska said, giving Luke a little wink as she took a bite of a piece of bacon. "Besides, like I always say, 'you don't make friends with salad'"

"No, you don't" Luke chuckled; he couldn't help but realize she was right; she was nothing like most girls.

After they had ate, Alaska walked up to the window and peeked trough the curtain, noticing that there were still about a hundred fans outside of the hotel, probably waiting for them to walk out at any minute.

"Shit" she muttered to herself.

"Sorry about that..." Luke said, seeing how frightened Alaska looked.

"It's alright. It's not your fault" she said, more to remind herself than to calm Luke. "Well, it looks like I'm stuck with you until security arrives," she said, plopping down next to him on the bed, "entertain me!"

Luke chuckled at the girl next to him, sending her a shrug; he wasn't sure what to do either. The last time they were in a hotel room alone, well, let's just say the situation was a bit different.

They stayed silent for a while, staring at the wall in front of them, Alaska thought about turning on the TV to avoid the awkwardness, but then she had a much better idea.

"I know what we're going to do!" She stood up suddenly, startling Luke.

"What?" Luke chuckled, looking up at her.

"I'm going to teach you how to kiss!" Alaska smiled.

"Hey! I know how to kiss, thank you very much!" Luke said sarcastically.

"And believe me, I know." Alaska smirked, "but I'm not talking about kissing your girlfriend or some girl you like, that's easy."

Luke lowered his head, if only she knew.

"No, I'm talking about stage kissing. I'm talking about making people believe it actually means something even when it doesn't." Alaska said, "we need to learn how to act like a couple so it won't be weird in public. We can't have another coffee shop fiasco!"

"Okay, now you're just being dramatic" Luke chuckled.

"Maybe," Alaska shrugged, "but you don't know shit about pretending, Hemmings; and I'm the best at it."

"Fine!" Luke gave up. She was right, they had to learn how to behave like a normal couple, and, although he wished he were kissing Alaska for other reasons then to fake a relationship, he couldn't deny the fact that he was dying to kiss her again.

"Alright, we're doing this" Alaska said, "Okay, you just have to pretend that there's no one watching us, like it's just you and me, alone, just like we are now."

Luke took a deep breath, nodding lightly giving her permission. Alaska slowly made her way over to him and sat down, looking him in the eyes. She had never noticed his eyes before. They were a beautiful blue and they glistened in the light. She slowly brought her hand to caress his cheek, her thumb running across it softly; sending shivers down Luke's spine.

"Stand still" she whispered as she started to lean in. Luke's heart began to race as her face inched closer. This couldn't be happening, he felt so confused. A soft pairs of lips crashing into his interrupted his thoughts as always. It felt so weird. His stomach started to twist, butterflies irrupting.

Alaska pulled back after a few seconds but Luke's hand went to the back of her neck and pulled her towards him again. His lips collided with hers and she felt something different; it wasn't pretending. Their lips started to move in sync and his hand moved from the back of her neck to her hips along with the other hand. He suddenly pulled her onto his torso, wanting to have her as close as possible. Luke's hands had a firm grip on the back of her legs and he lifted her up over so that she was straddling him, never breaking the kiss. She was actually enjoying it. She, Alaska Young, was enjoying kissing Luke Hemmings. Oh shit...Luke Hemmings.

She quickly pulled away from him but his lips went to her neck, leaving a trail of kisses along her collarbone.

"Luke" she says warningly, pushing him away from her. His lips disconnected from her neck and he looked up at her, his lips swollen from kissing her.

"I'm sorry," he says, gently pushing her off his lap.

"I-" Alaska was about to say something when her phone started to ring in the bed beside them. She thanked the gods for this interruption and quickly got off of Luke's lap and answered it; it was Zoe.

"Hello? Yeah....Alright...uhumm, I'm leaving now...Okay, bye" Luke heard Alaska speak on the phone, extremely embarrassed about the moment they had shared not two seconds ago.

"Security is here to escort me out" she said coldly, gathering up her things and slipping on her shoes, "I have to go"

"Yeah, okay, are you going to be alright?" Even though he was unbelievably uncomfortable with how awkward everything had become, Luke was still worried that the events of last night would repeat themselves.

"Yeah, it's fine" Alaska said, avoiding his gaze, "bye Luke."

And, with that, she closed the door shut, leaving Luke alone to figure out whatever the hell had just happened.

*Well, THAT happened...what do you guys think so far?

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