Chapter 32

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"He's really out, isn't he?" Michael chucked at Alaska, gesturing to Luke's sleeping body next to her.

She and the boys were in the airplane on their way to London for the first week of the tour and the moment after they had taken off Luke had practically dropped dead.

He held her hand for the take off, giving her one of his headphones. He was so tired he couldn't keep his eyes open and fell asleep on her shoulder the moment after take off and held her hand while falling asleep.

Alaska smiled as she ran her free hand through his hair, taking his headphones off, worried he might suddenly wake up to some scream or something. The second the music was cut off, Luke leaned closer to her, Alaska felt his body loosen up as he mumbled something she didn't quite understood. She just quietly chuckled to herself and placed a light kiss on his forehead as his breathing slowed down and he started snoring lightly, falling back to sleep.

She thought of how he would probably drool a little on her shirt, but she didn't mind, Luke looked so cuddly and cute and the fact that she had scuffed scratches on her neck and drool on her shoulder wasn't that big of a deal because she realized that he never let go of her hand, no matter how deeply he was sleeping, and that his body stayed close to hers the entire time like he could only fall asleep with her next to him. And that made everything good.


"Holy shit Luke! Are you trying to break my fucking hand?" Alaska exclaimed.

They were just landing, and of course Luke had held onto her hand a little too tight. It wasn't his fault he was afraid of flying.

"Sorry babe" he pouted, placing light kisses on her hand.

"Yeah, right. Next time hold Michael's," she said.

"Hey! I don't want him to break my hand either!" Michael whined.

"You guys are being way too dramatic." Luke rolled his eyes at them.

"It's okay Luke, I'll hold your hand." Calum said, sending him a flying kiss.

Alaska chuckled and Luke sent Calum a disgusted look. He was really happy that Alaska and his band mates were getting along so well.

"So, what's the plan?" Alaska asked him.

"Well...the boys are going to be waiting for us at the hotel, and they will probably want to go out but we don't have to if you don't want." Luke said.

Alaska shot him a confused look. "What boys?"

"The One Direction lads." Luke said.

"What?" Alaska said, almost chocking.

"The boys from One Direction, babe. They'll be with us for the first week and a half of the tour. Management wanted us to do some gigs with them before we split ways." He said. "Some sort of 'Take Me Home tour revival'" Luke chuckled at how stupid it sounded.

He looked over at Alaska, whom had an expression of horror mixed with surprise. "I'm surprise you didn't know. I thought Zoe filled you up with every detail from the tour."

"Yeah, when a email has her name on it I just kind of send it right to the trash." Alaska mumbled, cursing herself for not reading Zoe's stupid emails.

"Well, that's probably the reason then," Luke chuckled. "Why, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Alaska shrugged. Everything, that's what was wrong.

"Are you nervous to see you're ex-boyfriend?" Michael asked in a mocking tone.

Alaska kicked his leg, glaring at him.

"Hey!" the red haired boy whined.

"What is he talking about?" Luke turned to her.

"You didn't know?" Ashton laughed. God, those boys were meddlesome.

"Know what?" Alaska could see that Luke was already freaking out.

"That Alaska and Harry used to date." Ashton said. Alaska face-palmed herself.

"You dated Harry? As in Harry Styles?" Luke looked at her with wide-eyes.

"We didn't date. We just went out for a bit." Alaska said.

"You dated Harry Styles?" Luke raised his voice. How the hell could he compete with Harry fucking Styles?

"Jesus Luke, calm down." Alaska told him, "We just went out for a couple of months, no big deal."

"Well, it was kind of a big deal." Michael said. Alaska looked over at him like she was about to rip off his head.

"How come it's the first time I'm hearing about this?" Luke asked. "Why didn't you tell me you went out with Harry Styles?"

"Okay. First of all, stop saying his name like that, he's not like, Jesus or anything." She said. "Second of all, I went out with a lot of people, Luke. I didn't think I needed to give you a list or anything."

"Well, a heads up would've been nice." Luke said.

"I didn't know that it mattered...we used to go out, we don't anymore." Alaska shrugged. "And I didn't know they would be coming on tour with you."

"Why?" he asked.

"Why what?"

"Why did you guys stop going out?" Luke asked.

Alaska frowned at him. "Why does it matter?"

"I just want to know." Luke shrugged, trying to pretend like he didn't care.

Alaska sighed. "We went out a couple of times, he wanted to get serious, I didn't, and we stopped going out. That's it."

"You dumped Harry Styles?" Calum asked.

"I didn't dump him! Jeez!" Alaska rolled her eyes.

"You totally dumped him!" Ashton smirked, making Michael chuckle.

"You guys are the worse." She groaned, hiding her face on her hands. "Can we just drop it, please?"

"Fine." Ashton chuckled.

After a few minutes the boys started a new subject, but Alaska and Luke stayed in silence.

"Luke, is everything okay?" she whispered at him.

"Yeah. It's fine." He said. But he wasn't fine. He was mad because Alaska had gone out with Harry, he knew he had no reason to be mad, but he was. He was jealous and dreading having to seem him when they landed.

*Just a filler, but there's real drama coming!!

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