Chapter 35

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"Hey Al, is it alright if I sit?" Alaska raised her head to meet the curly haired boy looking down at her with hopeful eyes.

"Sure, Haz." She smiled at him. Harry sat beside her, both of them now facing the stage.

It was day three of the tour and the shows would finally start. They had all gone to the arena for sound check and Alaska was currently watching as the 5sos guys were adjusting their instruments. Her eyes were focused on Luke as he tuned his guitar; she smiled to herself at the sight of his furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips in deep concentration.

"I'm sorry about that night." Harry's voice from beside her made her snap out of her thoughts and turn to him.

"What night?" she raised an eyebrow at him.

"The first night when you guys came up to the room to say hello. I'm sorry for acting all weird and shit."

Alaska chuckled at Harry's words. He had always been a really cool guy; she found it really easy to talk to him. He was just one of those people you can have long conversations about everything and nothing at all.

"No problem, Haz." She smiled.

"I really like you, Al." Harry said, and she sent him a warm smile. "I would really like for us to be friends."

"I would really like that." She said; Harry's face brightened and he sent her a huge grin.

"Friends it is." He said cheerfully, making Alaska chuckle.

"Friends it is." She repeated him.

"So, friend, tell me, who do you think will be the first one to trip and fall on their asses?" Harry asked, pointing to the boys on the stage.

Alaska chuckled, placing her hand under her chin, pretending she was in deep thought. "I'll have to say Michael," she said, making Harry laugh.

"No...I think it'll be Mr. Hemmings over there." Harry said as he watched the boys run around the stage doing everything but rehearsing.

"Why?" Alaska asked.

"Look at him. He's a noodle!" Harry exclaimed, pointing to the lanky blonde boy who was currently sitting on top of Calum.

"You're a noodle!" Alaska turned to Harry, it was true, both Luke and Harry had the same sort of body; only Luke had broader shoulders and Harry had tattoos everywhere.

"Well, 'noodle' must be your type, then." Harry said, poking his tongue at her.

Alaska elbowed him on the stomach, making both of them fall into fits of laughter.


"Oh no, Ashton! Don't you dare!" Alaska exclaimed as she backed away from the boy who'd just threatened to push her into the pool with her clothes on.

The both of the bands had gone down to the hotel swimming pool after dinner. The boys were all running and messing around and trying to get her to fall in the pool.

Luke, on the other hand was sitting on one of the chairs, scrolling down his phone. There were pictures of Alaska and Harry all over the tabloids and, even though he tried, he could help but to read the articles written about them.

They were all saying that Alaska was cheating on him with Harry, that they had already broken up and that Alaska and Harry were back together. It killed him to see their pictures, they seemed so right together.

He quickly raised his head to see Alaska and Harry laughing at something, both of them in their swimming suits. Luke's eyes roamed through Alaska's body in her black bikini, he couldn't believe she was with him; and to see her next to Harry and his tattooed body, they looked like the perfect couple.

"Hey Luke! Aren't you coming in?" Calum shouted from the pool, all of the boys had already taken their shirts off and began to jump in.

Luke snapped out of him thoughts, shaking his head at Calum. He watched as Alaska climbed into Harry's shoulder so that they could start a chicken fight with Louis and Liam.

"Come on man," Michael called out, "are you on your period or something?"

The boys chuckled as Luke stood up, "Shut up Michael!" He said angrily, walking out of the pool area and into the hotel.

"What the hell was that?" Alaska turned to Michael, still sitting on Harry's shoulders.

"How the fuck will I know?" He shrugged.

Alaska sighed, climbing down Harry's shoulders and out of the pool, "I'll go check on him."

She quickly wrapped a towel around her body and left the boys laughing and messing around in the pool. She made her way towards the elevator and up to their floor.

"Luke?" She slowly opened their bedroom door, finding him sitting on the bed looking at something on his phone.

He slowly lifted his head to meet a wet haired Alaska with a towel wrapped around her body. "Hey." He said quietly.

Alaska's face fell into a frown and she walked toward him, sitting beside the blonde boy on the bed.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing..." He shrugged.

"Liar." She said, making Luke chuckle.

"It's just...seeing you with him, you two just look so happy." He said, looking down, feeling rather embarrassed of his jealousy.

"What are you talking about?" she frowned at him.

"You and Harry."

Alaska sighed, "Luke, listen to me." She said, placing a hand on his cheek and tuning his head to look at her. "I'm your girlfriend. Not Harry's. I'm here because of you, not him."

Luke stared into her green orbs, mesmerized by their beauty.

"I'm with you." She told him, "And I'm not going anywhere."

"Okay." Luke whispered due to their proximity.

Alaska sent him a small smile, his breath fanning her face. She slowly leaned in, pressing her lips to his. Luke quickly kissed back, wrapping his arms around her waist.

As they pulled away, they stood there for a while, foreheads touching. "I'm not going anywhere, Luke. I promise."

But she knew that promises were only made to be broken.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now