Chapter 8

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Alaska stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a tight black dress and her royal blue Stilettos; her hair fell down her shoulders in slight waves. She sighted, adding lipstick to her simple makeup look.

Her phone vibrated on the bed, she unlocked it and answered, already knowing who it was.

"Hey there, blondie!" she smiled.

"Hi!" Luke smiled at her excitement, he didn't really got her, sometimes she was pissed off at him, and then, all of a sudden, she was all happy and bubbly; maybe it was all part of her charm, "I'm here, do you want me to come up or..."

"No need!" Alaska quickly cut him off, no one was allowed in her apartment. "I'm ready, I'll meet you downstairs"

Alaska grabbed her purse and keys and ran down her building stairs. She opened the door to find Luke pacing nervously on the sidewalk.

"Hello stranger," Alaska's words made Luke snap out of his trance and look up at her. He watched as she made her way down the front steps wide eyed.

"Wow, you look beautiful" he let his thoughts slip out of his mouth, blushing at his sudden compliment.

"You know..." Alaska said, stepping closer to him, "there aren't any cameras around" Luke furrowed his eyebrows at her, did she really think he was pretending?

"I know," he said, looking into her warm eyes.

"Well, than thank you" she smiled softly, making her way towards the car.

Luke opened the door for Alaska and sat beside her in the backseat while the driver started the car.

"So..." Alaska said, dragging the word, "where are we going?"

"There's a small French restaurant not far from here, I thought we could go there" Luke said, he didn't actually knew the place, so he just described it like management had told him.

"French, huh?" Alaska chuckled, Luke didn't seem like the kind of guy who ate at French restaurants, but again, guys were always taking her to fancy places with expensive food, because that's what they thought she liked, but the truth was, she would much rather just go out for burgers instead.

The ride to the restaurant was short and silent, Luke felt really self-conscious sitting beside someone as stunning as Alaska.

The car stopped in front of the restaurant and Alaska noticed a few paparazzi waiting for them at the entrance.

"Show time!" She said, winking at Luke before he opened the door and helped her out of the car.

The instant they stepped out of the vehicle, lights began flashing on their faces. They were both taken back by the amount of paps, Luke placed his hand on the small of Alaska's back protectively and the two of them kept their heads down as they ran into the restaurant.

Luke gave his name to the stewardess and she led them to their table, handing them both menus after they had sat across from each other.

"How fancy!" Alaska wiggled her eyebrows, sending Luke a mischievous grin.

Luke chuckled and opened his menu, furrowing his eyebrows at the sight of the weird French names written in fancy handwriting. As if she had read Luke's mind, Alaska let out a small laugh.

"I can't understand any of this names" she smiled.

"Me neither" Luke smiled back.

Alaska slowly put down her menu and folded her hands on the top of the table. "You didn't choose this restaurant, did you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"No, management did" Luke admitted, embarrassed.

Alaska chuckled at the sight of Luke's blushing cheeks. She noticed a few paparazzi on the other side of the street with the corner of her eye. She had to admit; Zoe had done a great job with getting them a table so close to the window.

She slowly changed positions, not taking her eyes off of Luke's; she rested her chin on one hand and used the other one to reach out for Luke's, which was resting on top of the table. Alaska smiled at him and started to play with his fingers, her touch sending goose bumps down his spine.

"What- what are you doing?" he asked wide-eyed.

"Making it seem believable" she smiled, intertwining their fingers together. Luke nodded, completely lost in her eyes.

"Look, I don't want to seem rude but," she started, rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb, "the last time I went to a place like this I accidentally ordered snails, so why don't we go somewhere else?"

"Oh, okay" Luke said, he wanted nothing but to get out of that place, but wasn't sure is management would approve that.

"Well, I mean, they already got their pictures," she said, gesturing towards the window, "and management already got their date, so I think we can have some fun ourselves now" she smirked.

Luke wasn't sure what she meant by 'fun', but was eager to find out.

"Yeah, okay, let's go!" He said, getting up, "Wait, but there are like, a hundred photographers outside"

"No worries, we'll sneak out the back" Alaska smiled, taking his hand and making her way towards the back of the restaurant.

Luke followed close behind as Alaska led them through a hallway and then through the kitchen, where he was pretty sure they weren't aloud into, and through a door that led to a dark alley.

"How fast can you run?" She asked.

"What? Why do you-" Before Luke could question her, Alaska pulled him with her and they both started sprinting down the street.


After a few minutes, Alaska stopped, letting go of Luke's hand so she could take deep breaths, resting her hands on her knees. She felt like her feet were going to fall off, fucking heels!

"Damn those cigarettes!" She panted, feeling like she was going to cough out a lung.

"I told you should stop smoking" Luke smirked, breathing heavily as well.

"One thing at a time, hemmo boy" Alaska smiled, "We're here!"

"Where?" Luke asked, looking around.

"Right there across the street!" Alaska pointed to a big building with neon lights signs everywhere.

"Joe's pizza and bowling?" Luke chuckled, reading the neon sign right above the entrance. Alaska nodded, smiling wide at him and crossing the street. Luke followed close behind, that girl was really something.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now