Chapter 22

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Alaska woke up to realize that it was late as fuck; they had missed lunch.

"Fucking jetlag." She cursed under her breath as she got up from the bed, her movements waking Luke up.

"Morning." He said stretching his arms and rubbing his arms, he looked incredibly cuddly.

"Do you mean afternoon?" She joked, smiling at the sleepy boy.

"Why? What time is it?" He asked in a rusty voice.

"3 o'clock." She said, tossing her phone at him so he could see for himself.

"Damn you jetlag!" Luke said, dramatically raising his fist on the air.

Alaska giggled at him, "Luke..."

"Yeah?" he asked, getting out of the bed, his hair sticking at all sides.

"I'm really hungry." She said, blushing.

Luke sighed, smiling at her. "Me too."

She smiled back, tugging at the end of her shirt.

"Come on, get dressed and we can go get some breakfast." He said, fishing a shirt out of his bag and putting it on.

"Yay, food!" Alaska joked, taking a change of clothes from her suitcase and rushing to the bathroom to change.

Once they were both ready Alaska followed Luke downstairs where they found a note from his mom on the dining table.

'Went to work, didn't wanted to wake you up. See U at dinner! Love you, Mom' it read.

"Your mom it's too adorable, I can't even!" Alaska chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, come on! I'm hungry!" Luke said, taking the keys off of the counter and opening the front door.

"Where are we going?" Alaska asked, following him out of the house.

"We're going to get some breakfast and then I'm going to show you around Sidney." He told her, walking towards his mother's car.

Alaska smiled at him. "Sounds good."

"Alright, come on." Luke opened the door for Alaska before making his way around the car and getting into the driver's seat.

"Your mother's car smells like crayons." Alaska chuckled.

"Yeah, it does." Luke laughed. "I had never noticed it."

They exchanged smiles before Luke broke the stare and started the car.


"Luke, would you please tell me where the fuck are we going?" Alaska asked, following him out of the car.

They had eaten breakfast at some dinner Luke used to go with the boys and then walked around the town for a while. Luke held onto Alaska's hand the whole time, 'in case there's paparazzi', he had said at the time, Alaska chuckled at his lame excuse, but let him hold it anyway.

They were currently in the middle of nowhere, for some reason Luke wanted to show Alaska something, but hadn't told her what it was. They had parked the car by the side of the beach and Luke had told her that they had to get to the top of the hill.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now