Chapter 39

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"Luke, are you alright?" Michael's voice snapped Luke out of his thoughts. "You haven't said a thing since this morning."

It had been 2 days since Alaska had left and they had just got back from an interview; Luke had been quiet the whole time, his mind lost in thoughts of Alaska and their fight, he had spent all his free time calling her nonstop since she left, but she still wouldn't talk to him, he was on the verge of giving up entirely.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Luke nodded, entering his bedroom, followed by the other three boys.

"Mate, you need to cheer up..." Ashton said, watching Luke sit on the bed with a hurt look on his face. Luke simply shrugged.

Ashton was about to say something else when they heard a knock on the door.

"It's open!" Calum told the person on the other side of the door, receiving a glare from Luke, who didn't want to talk to anyone beside his friends.

The door opened to reveal Harry, with a hesitant look on his face.

Luke suddenly stood up, ready to punch him in the face, but Ashton and Michael held him back.

"What are you doing here?" Luke asked through gritted teeth.

"I came to apologize." Harry said quietly, taking a few steps back in case Ashton and Michael failed on holding Luke back.

"I don't want to hear it." Luke shrugged, untangling himself from Ashton and Michael's arms.

"I understand..." Harry nodded. "But I still think I owe you an explanation...Please?"

"Fine." Luke said, crossing his arms and frowning.

"Can we talk, like..." Harry's gaze switched between Luke and the other boys, " private?"

Luke furrowed his eyebrows at Harry before nodding hesitantly. The other boys exchanged glances and quickly left the room, leaving Harry and Luke alone.

"So..." Harry started after a couple of seconds of awkward silence. "I'm sorry for kissing Alaska."

"Is that it?" Luke asked, getting impatient, he didn't enjoyed being reminded of the fact.

"I shouldn't have done it..." Harry said, "...but I think we both know what it's like to love Alaska..."

"I don't give a shit if you love her, Harry!" Luke snapped, getting angrier by the second, "You can't just go around kissing other people's girlfriends!"

Harry's eyes widened at Luke's outburst.

"She's my girlfriend!" Luke yelled. "You had your chance! Now it's mine and because of you everything is ruined!"

"I'm she really gone?" Harry asked, Luke returning with a nod.

The curly haired boy took a deep breath, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"You're right." He breathed out, "I missed my chance. I shouldn't be trying to win her back..."

Luke sighed, even thought he was extremely angry with Harry, he understood what he was going through. He sat down beside him, both of them staying silent, starring blankly at the wall in front of them.

"You know, I fell in love with her the moment I met her..." Harry said after a while. "I guess most people do, anyway."

Luke nodded, still not making eye contact with the boy beside him.

"There was just something about her...something about the way she did things, it was so...unusual...I could tell everyone admired her, but no one understood her, not really." Harry said.

"That was all I ever did," he continued, "admire her."

Luke turned to look at Harry, furrowing his eyebrows at him.

"But she doesn't want to be admired, no. She want's to be understood..." Harry told him, "I realized that a little too late..."

"She's a hard one to understand." Luke chuckled to himself.

"Yeah, she is." Harry agreed. "She's a wild wicked slip of a girl...she burns too bright for this world."

Luke's expression softened, he placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"I never really understood her, but I loved her anyway..." Harry shrugged. "She didn't feel the same way and I knew that, and it killed me. It hurts to be near her, it's worse to be anywhere else..."

"It's different with you guys." He said suddenly.

"I'm sorry?" Luke asked him, confused.

"You understand her." Harry answered, "at least more than I did, anyway."

"Apparently not," Luke sighed, "I really screwed up."

"Then go apologize."

"I did already, she won't listen to me..." Luke said, frustrated.

"Look," Harry turned to him, "Alaska doesn't usually give people a second chance...but something tells me that she'll give you one. You just have to ask."

"Thanks Harry," Luke smiled softly at him.

"You're welcome, man." Harry smiled back, standing up, "And I'm sorry again."

"Thanks." Luke nodded.

"Don't give up on her yet," Harry told him, opening the door, "she's worth it."

"Yeah, I know." Luke smiled, watching Harry exit the room, closing the door behind him.

*Harry is such a cutie - I really miss 1D :(

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