Chapter 34

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"Al, have you seen my Stone Roses shirt?" Luke asked as he searched through his bag.

"Here" Alaska said, tossing his shirt carelessly.

"What's wrong?" Luke turned to her, putting on his shirt.

Alaska glared at him.

"What?" Luke asked again.

"You know what." She said. Luke knew she was mad, but he had to admit she looked really hot when she was angry, especially wearing that tight black dress.

"Come on, Al. I didn't do anything." He said. They were both ready to go out with the boys and Alaska hadn't said two words to him since they got back to the room.

"Yes you did. You were totally rude to Harry upstairs." Alaska said.

"Al, babe, I'm sorry, alright?" Luke said, stepping closer to her. "I won't do it again."

Alaska crossed her arms, glaring at the blonde boy that was walking slowly towards her. "I'm sorry..." he pouted at her.

His hands rested themselves on her hips, and he stepped closer. He slowly pressed his lips to hers, and even though Alaska felt the indescribable fluttering in her stomach, she didn't kiss back. She was still annoyed at him for being jealous of her and Harry; they were just talking for God's sake; there was no need for Luke to be rude to him. But she knew it wouldn't last very long.

"Al, kiss me back," he mumbled against her lips. Alaska shook her head, making him huff in frustration. "Please?"

Again, she shook her head, but Luke wasn't giving up. He put his hands on her waist and moved them up slowly.

"Luke, stop," she said.

"Kiss me back," he repeated. He started tickling her sides, and as much as she didn't wanted to laugh, she couldn't help it.

"Luke, no," she stood her ground, not willing to give in yet. Luke was being just as stubborn as her, though.

He removed his lips from hers and placed them on her jaw, sucking the skin lightly before moving on to her neck. His nose was tickling her and she could feel him smirking.

His hands ran back down her sides, to her hip, and rested on her bum. She let out a small, barely audible whimper as Luke continued to work his lips all across her neck.

Before his hands could move anywhere else, Alaska grabbed his face on her hands and pulled it up so that his eyes were in level with hers. She kissed him quickly, and he immediately responded to it, but she pulled away before anything could happen.

"Happy? Now no more of being an asshole." She asked, raising an eyebrow. She walked towards the bed, grabbing her purse and waiting for him to follow her out of the room.

"Fine, I'm sorry." Luke nodded, then whined, "you teased me."

"You teased me first, so I guess we're even." She retaliated, walking down the hallway with him following close behind.


" and Luke, huh?" Louis raised his eyebrows at her, sitting by Alaska's side on the bar counter.

They were all currently at some club Niall chose and the boys were all sitting on the VIP area. Alaska had made her way to the bar to get a drink and apparently Louis had followed her.

"What about me and Luke?" she turned to the boy, Louis had always been someone she could talk to, it made her really sad that they had drifted apart after she broke things off with Harry.

"Are you guys really together?" he asked her.

"Does no one believe me?" Alaska scoffed, rolling her eyes; remembering Harry asking her the same thing, as if the fact that she was dating Luke was impossible to believe.

"Oh, come on, Al" Louis smiled, "we all know how you are."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Alaska raised an eyebrow at him, getting slightly irritated by the fact that everyone had suddenly decided they knew her.

"You broke up with Harry because you didn't want anything serious, and then two month later you're suddenly in a super serious relationship with Luke?" Louis pointed out, "I don't buy it."

"There's nothing to buy." Alaska shrugged. "People change."

"No they don't." He said. "Plus, Calum told me you guys started dating because of management."

Alaska shot him a defiant look. "We are dating, Louis. Get over it."

"Yeah, but you're not really together."

"Yes we are."

"Come on, Al. You're forgetting I'm part of this universe too. I know what is like to have to do things for publicity and stuff." Louis said. "But you can tell me the truth."

"I am." Alaska said simply, then stood up from her stool and walked always from Louis. She could feel his smirk from miles away. Alaska was so annoyed. She had spent so much time trying to pretend her and Luke were dating and she thought that, now that they actually were, she wouldn't have to try and prove it anymore, apparently she was wrong.


"Babe, are you alright?" Luke asked, exiting the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

They had just got back from clubbing with the boys and were both exhausted. Alaska was lying in the bed wearing one of his shirts, which on her was more like a dress. Luke had noticed she looked kind of out of it.

"Al?" he asked again. Alaska snapped out of her thoughts and raised her eyes to find the blonde boy with a worried look on his face.

"Do you think it's weird?" she asked.


"The fact that we're dating. Do you think it's weird?"

Luke shot her a confused look. "Why?"

Alaska let out a sight and closed her eyes for a second. Luke noticed she did that a lot; she was always closing her eyes, like it hurt to look at things.

"Because I'm not really known for my successful relationships." She said. Luke studied her face, her eyes look tired and he knew she was overthinking everything.

"No." He smiled. "I don't think it's weird."

"You don't?" She looked at him with a small smile. Luke made his way towards her; handing out his hand and helping her stand up.

"No." he repeated himself, bringing both of his hands to cup her cheek. He stared deep into her bright green eyes, drowning in them.

"Okay," Alaska smiled.

Luke smiled back and lowered his lips to meet hers in a lingering kiss.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now