Chapter 25

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"Thank you guys! It's been awesome!!" Calum shouted on the microphone, the crowd going crazy.

"See you guys soon!" Luke said.

The boys left the stage with huge grins on their faces. Jumping and running around backstage, hugging their families.

"Luke!" Alaska ran to him, jumping on his arms and wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso, Luke almost falling over due to this surprise attack. He quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and tried to balance himself. "It was fucking awesome!"

Luke looked at her with wide eyes, not really understanding the sudden affection, Alaska shot him a 'we-have-to-pretend-to-be-a-cute-lovely-couple-remember?' look and he nodded quickly, adjusting his hands a little around her.

"Thanks babe." He smiled, noticing his and the boy's parents watching them from behind Alaska's shoulder. He hesitantly leaned in, but Alaska quickly stopped him, placing a hand on his chest.

"No kisses, you're all sweaty," she joked, making a face and untangling her legs from his body, dropping to the ground. "Go take a shower and than maybe I'll consider it."

Luke chuckled and rolled his eyes at her, kissing her cheek quickly before hurrying to the dressing room.

They were going out right after the show, Calum convinced all of them to go clubbing in order to celebrate the first show of the tour, and then, tomorrow they would have a barbecue at Luke's to say goodbye to their family and friends since they would be leaving for at least 5 months.

Alaska was already dressed; she wore a loose white tank top, some black skinny jeans and black heels. She waited on the couch of the dressing room for the boys to get ready.

"Who's ready to party?" Michael stormed into the room, the boys chuckling behind him.

"Fuck yeah! Let's party!" She laughed, getting up and following the boys out of the venue.


Alaska stood by the bar, with a cup between her two hands. It was her first drink of the night, and she was trying to make it last as long as possible by taking small sips every now and then. She just stood there alone, staring off into space and occasionally nodding her head to the music that was being played. He boys were already going crazy on the dance floor; she couldn't believe they still had energy after playing.

All of the sudden, she felt a tug on her arm. She snapped out of her so-called trans and looked up to meet her eyes with a pair of shimmering blue ones.

As soon as they made eye contact, Luke gave her a small smile and tilted his head in the direction of the dance floor. She put her cup on the counter, and he dragged her to the dance floor, where he started dancing with her. The boys had spent most of the night talking to their friends, saying goodbye and enjoying their last few hours together, so it was nice that he was playing attention to her.

She snapped out of her thoughts when a slow song started to play, and Luke pulled her closer. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, closing the gap between them. Luke placed both of his hands on the small of her back, interlocking his fingers. There was practically no space in between them, so the only thing she could do was stare in his beautiful blue eyes.

He smiled at her, and she spotted a hint of nervousness in his eyes. Luke buried his face in her neck, and she could feel his nose tickle the skin there. This made her shudder. With his steady breaths blowing against her neck, it was almost like the combination of that and him being within such close proximity to her almost made her dizzy.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now