Chapter 16

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 Alaska went back home to change. No way she would go clubbing in a long dress; she put on sequin dress shirt and some smoky eye make up and left. She wasn't sure when the boys were going to be there, and there was no way she was going to look for Chanel; so she sat on the bar and ordered a drink.

She couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that Luke and Chanel had dated. She also couldn't understand why that bothered her so much. Alaska had always been good at being alone, she did her best not to get involved with other people and, even when she did get involved with someone, she always found a way to keep her walls high enough so no one could get too close because she knew that, eventually, that someone would be gone; just like everyone else. But Alaska was terrible at being lonely. She would always find shelter in the bottom of a bottle or in a one-night stand, she hated feeling lonely, and that's what she was feeling right now.

After about 4 drinks and 4 guys hitting on her at the bar, Alaska felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to meet the boys grinning at her.

"Hey guys! You came!" She smiled.

"Of course! We're always in the mood to party!" Michael said, raising his hands up in the air.

"Great! I was waiting for you guys to go up to the VIP area." She explained.

"Awesome, let's order some shots first" Calum said and they all agreed, sitting down beside Alaska.

"Hey, don't you want to wait and finish that." Luke asked, sitting down next to her and pointing to the unfinished drink in her hand.

Alaska smiled at him and then drowned the whole thing in one single gulp, "No need." She said, quickly raising her hand and sending the bartender the international gesture for 'we would like some shots, please'.

"How many of this have you drank?" Luke asked while the bartender placed two shots in front of them.

"Not enough." Alaska said, picking up her glass and gesturing for him to pick his.

"What does that mean?" Luke asked, mimicking Alaska and picking up the tiny cup.

"I found that, if you drink enough vodka, it tastes like love." Alaska said, raising her cup. "Cheers."

Luke frowned at her and they both drowned their shots at the same time. Luke cringed at the feeling of the liquid burning his throat.

"VIP area, here we come!" Alaska stood up and followed the boys up the few steps that led to the booths and they all sat down around one of the tables.

They all ordered more drinks, Luke ordered his, but decided to drink just that one so he could keep an eye on Alaska, who looked very drunk already; he was sure she could handle herself, but he still cared about her and she didn't looked very well.

"Oh look if it isn't Miss Sports Illustrated over there" Alaska slurred, gesturing over one of the tables where Chanel and her friends were sitting and laughing.

"Oh my god! Hey guys!" Chanel stood up from her seat and came over to them, sitting beside Luke, so close she was practically in his lap. "I'm so gad you made it."

Alaska rolled his eyes and drowned another shot in an attempt to block out Chanel's obnoxious voice while she talked to Luke about how amazing their performance had been.

"What a bitch, huh?" she heard Michael whisper beside her.

"I figure you guys aren't so fond of her" Alaska chuckled.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now