Chapter 29

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"Fuck yeah!" Luke exclaimed, "and Hemmings is crowned the winner!"

"Congrats, blondie!" Alaska smiled at the boy dancing awkwardly in the middle of her living room; Arthur running around him happily.

They both had decided to skip the coffee and open a few beers and right now they were playing cards, for some reason she couldn't even remember.

He gave her a thoughtful look, a stupid grin still spread across his face as he sat back on the couch beside her. "Does the winner get a kiss?" he dared to ask, surprising Alaska with his sudden confidence; she decided two could play at this game. She grabbed his collar and pulled him down to her level, giving him no time to react. She crashed her lips against his, not caring if it was too sloppy or tasted of beer or too rough or too gentle. Nothing mattered because Luke had his lips on hers and now his callused hands were on her waist and he was kissing her back with just as much passion as she was giving him.

Breathless, he pulled away, still eye-level with her and just centimeters away. He slid his fingers up to the side of her cheek, cupping her face. "Oh my god, you actually did it," he whispered.

Alaska giggled at his shock and let go of his shirt, he really wasn't used to girls like her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and twisted his blonde hair around her fingers.

"Of course I did, you dork," she laughed, and then pulled him to her again and turned them both so she was slightly leaned back on the couch and he was leaning over her. Luke had to take his hand from her face and rest it on the pillows beside her head in order to keep his balance as his lips melted into hers again. He glided his tongue across her bottom lip, and she copied his actions, and before she knew it their tongues were hungrily brushing against each other, longing for more.

"Luke..." Alaska said, her lips now moving down to graze across his jawline and his neck. "Bedroom."

"What?" he asked, not because he hadn't heard what she said, but because he couldn't believe in it. It was classic Alaska to say something like this, and of course they had had sex before, but they were both extremely drunk and it didn't lead to the greatest of situations.

Alaska smirked and, as she spoke, she let her teeth scrape against his neck, making his breath go uneven. "Luke. Bedroom. Now."

Luke kissed her once more before he grabbed her hand and made his way to the bedroom. He guided her through the living room and opened the door to her room. He walked in, Alaska following close behind, not bothering to turn on a light because the moonlight shining through the window was all they needed to find each other and connect their lips again.

Luke kicked the door shut with his booted foot then flipped her around so she was caught between his body and the door. Luke's hands roamed her body and slipped under her shirt, not able to settle in just one thing.

"This is crazy," he whispered against her neck, his quiet voice now completely audible due to their closeness. His breathing was so heavy on Alaska's skin as he hurriedly placed wet kisses all over her neck and collarbones, all the way down to the low collar of her shirt. It was like he was scared she would change her mind at any minute.

"Hey, L-Luke," Alaska half moaned, half called him to look in her eyes. He immediately stopped and looked at her with big eyes and parted lips. She cupped his face with both hands, "Relax."

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now