Chapter 2

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After days without Alaska leaving Luke's mind, it was show time. The boys were siting on the couch of their dressing room, all of them too nervous to talk about anything.

Suddenly Calum got up and turned the TV on. "The show it's starting!" he said, sitting back down as the SNL theme started playing.

"It's Saturday Night Live!!!" the narrator voice announced, "With musical guest: 5 Seconds of Summer, and your host: Alaska Young!!"

The camera shifted and focused on Alaska walking on stage, Luke's jaw dropped, she looked amazing. She was wearing a really tight burgundy dress and black ankle boots. She looked so hot.

Alaska felt goose bumps all over her skin as she heard the crowd cheer, she was very nervous, but she couldn't let anyone know that. She opened a big fake smile and walked to the middle of the stage.

"Hello everyone! It's so great to be here, hosting Saturday Night Live for the first time!" She said, when the audience finally stopped cheering. "This year has been a really great year" she smiled, "I won an Oscar..." She said and the crowd cheered, "...and I started on a movie called Vagabonds, which came out a month ago!" She smiled and the audience went crazy.

"I was so excited to host today, because I don't know if you guys know, but I live here now!" She said, and the crowd cheered once again, she had moved to New York a few months ago and was loving it, "Yes! And people said to me 'oh, New York is such a hard city, you need to be tough'!" She said, walking around on stage. "But I don't get it! When I came to this city, everyone was so nice! Man bought me drinks and offered me a place to sleep..." she joked, pretending to be innocent, making the audience laugh. "This city welcomed me with open arms and pulled down pants!" She laughed, and the crowd did as well.

"But I was a little nervous about hosting as well, because I've actually never worked with live comedy..." she confessed, and Luke thought about the last movie she was in, it was a Woody Allen one, and she was pretty funny on it. Luke remembered him and Calum laughing their asses off. "...But I thought I could give it a try because, well, I'm a funny girl, really" she shrugged and the audience laughed, "So forgive me if I'm not very good at it...and I'll forgive you for looking at my chest all night!" she joked, making the crowd cheer again. "We have four Aussies here tonight! 5 Seconds of Summer are here! So stick around and we will be right back!" She said and Luke felt goose bumps all over his body when she mentioned them.

After a few sketches, they played their first song, Jet Black Heart. They were all super nervous, but the crowd was really into it. After that, there were a few more sketches and they played for the second time, She's Kinda Hot, and then they finally sat down to watch the rest of the show. Luke didn't know what Alaska was talking about, she was hilarious, and she was one of the best actresses he had ever seen. 'Of course she was good, she won an Oscar, for Gods sake', he thought to himself.

They walked on stage once again for the closing. The crew placed them on the center of the stage, right behind Alaska. She was wearing different clothes now, more casual ones, an Aerosmith t-shirt, skinny black jeans and black heels. Luke noticed she was very short; even in heels, she was smaller than him. He watched her as she fixed her hair, nervously swinging back and forth on her heels, not bothering to look back, while she waited for the other actors take their places on stage as well. She took a deep breath and smiled as the cameraman gave them a sign to let them know they were back live.

"Thank you so much to 5 Seconds of Summer!" Alaska smiled, placing her hand on Michaels shoulder like she had known him forever, "Thanks to the crew, the amazing team! It's been an awesome week!" she said, and the crowd stood up, cheering. The closing music started playing and everyone started hugging each other. Alaska hugged Michael, Calum, Ashton and them Luke. He was practically shaking when he wrapped her hands around her tiny body. She smelled really nice, like a mixture of vanilla and cigarettes, their proximity made Luke shiver.

"You were great!" Luke smiled down at her when she stepped back from the hug. Alaska could see how nervous he was, but she was used to it.

"Thanks, so were you!" She smiled back, "we should bump into each other more times!" she said with a wink, than turned around and started hugging other people. Luke wasn't sure what she meant, but he just shrugged and greeted the other actors, still thinking about how it felt to have her body against his.

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