Chapter 42

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"Oh good, I was wondering when you were going to show up." Was the first thing Alaska heard as she stepped into Zoe's office that morning. She raised her green eyes from the ground and sent her manager a glare, sitting down on the chair in front of Zoe's desk, getting back to stare at the floor.

"Do you know why I called you here?" Zoe asked the grumpy girl in front of her. Alaska had her eyes glued to the floor, but Zoe could see the bags under them from the moment she entered the room. She studied the young girl; Alaska looked tired, her body dropped on the chair like she had no strength to sit straight. Zoe couldn't help but to compare that girl to the one she had seen months ago; Alaska had always been brave and determined, now she just looked sad and weak.

Alaska raised her eyes at Zoe, shrugging in response. Zoe had always been like the mother she never had, and even though she annoyed the hell out of her, Alaska appreciated the fact that Zoe was possibly the person that most cared about her and that, in her own way, she always looked out for her.

"We need to talk about Luke." Zoe said with a very serious tone to her voice, crossing her arms over her desk.

Alaska let out a sharp breath, as if the bare mention of his name shot pain through her whole body. "I don't want to talk about him." She said quietly.

It had been three weeks and two days exactly since Alaska had last seen him, since their fight and their break up. She had spent most of her time moping around her apartment but after about two weeks Zoe decided that she was done having to deal with 'depressed Alaska' and barged into her apartment, shoving her out of bed and into a meeting with Alaska's management team to talk about her new project.

This new project consisted of small part on a movie that was going to be shot in the city. Zoe figured that, since Alaska's only escape was acting, if she got her a part to play, Alaska would feel better. She was careful to find a part for her that wasn't the main role, since she didn't think Alaska would be well enough for that much responsibility and also something that was local, so Alaska wouldn't have to travel alone. Zoe got her the role of the best friend of the guy in some independent movie, thinking this would solve Alaska's mood. But of course that didn't happen.

"Well, too bad." Zoe said harshly. "I'm tired of seeing you like this, Alaska."

"Like what? I'm fine." Alaska shrugged again, making Zoe roll her eyes at her.

"Really? You're fine?" Zoe asked her, "You're arriving late on set, forgetting lines during shooting, blacking out every night from drinking, you've lost what? Ten pounds? Are you even sleeping at all?"

Alaska raised her tired eyes at Zoe, who, as usual, was right about everything. "I'm fine." She repeated herself.

Zoe sighed, getting up from her chair and walking around her desk, standing in front of Alaska.

"Look Alaska, I know that I may have misunderstood your relationship with Luke before." Zoe said, "And that the message I left on your machine caused you guys to fight and break up. But I get it now, okay?"

"Get what?" Alaska asked, her voice weak.

"You love him." Zoe stated simply.

"What?" Alaska widened her eyes at her.

"You're in love with him." Zoe shrugged.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Alaska shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest and returning to stare at a random spot on the floor.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now