Chapter 15

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The day had finally arrived. Luke was nervous as fuck, but not about the award, about seeing Alaska again and having to do the whole smile-and-act-like-a-couple-for-the-camera thing.

He and the boys were currently at the end of the red carpet answering some questions from one of the reporters, but Luke just couldn't concentrate, he just kept searching for her in the crowd, completely lost in his paranoid thoughts.

"So, rumor has it that you guys will be playing a song from your new album tonight? I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we're all excited to hear it." The tall, blonde and beautiful reported asked them.

"Well, we are indeed playing something new tonight, but that's all we can say...we want it to be a surprise." Ashton smiled at her.

"Are you guys nervous at all about playing your new stuff?" she asked again, this time directing her question to Luke, who hadn't been talking much due to the fact that his attention was turned to scan every single inch of the red carpet.

"I uh..." Luke turned his attention to her after receiving a nudge from Calum. "Yeah, we...we are a bit, you know, but it –"

Luke stopped talking altogether when he finally spotted her. There she was, Alaska Young in all her beauty and classiness. And god, did that girl had class.

Alaska walked slowly, stopping for pictures and smiling politely at the photographers. She wore a long black dress that hugged her body perfectly; the dress had cut out parts around her abdomen and up her leg, showing some skin while still looking extremely elegant.

Luke's jaw dropped, but his mouth quickly formed a smile when he noticed she was carrying a white rose between her fingers, all the reporters excitedly asking her what was the reason for it.

"Yes, we are very nervous, but very excited as well." Michael quickly jumped in, saving Luke from looking like a complete idiot who couldn't formulate a sentence and snapping him out of his trance.

"Well, thank you very much, and enjoy the show." The reporter smiled and left.

"Dude! What the fuck?" Michael playfully nudged Luke's shoulder.

But Luke's eyes and full attention had already turned back to Alaska, who smiled briefly at him in between photos and questions from reporters and was now slowly making her way towards him. Too slowly, for Luke's taste.

Alaska purposefully answered as many questions as she could, taking her time so she could try and focus on playing her part. She had to remember herself to act like Luke's girlfriend but not so much, so he didn't think she was interested on something else. But she had to admit it was particularly hard to focus with him staring at her with his piercing blue eyes. She had never been one to lie to herself; and she was beginning to like feeling his eyes on her when she looked away.

"Hello stranger," she smiled when they were close enough to be able to hear each other through all the talking and camera flashes.

"Hey," Luke said, his jaw still slightly dropped.

Alaska decided to skip the pleasantries and cut right to the chase, placing her arm around Luke's waist and planting a kiss on his jaw, which made Luke's cheeks turn into a bright shade of red.

"Hey guys" she smiled at the boys, who were trying to pretend not to eye her in the dress.

"Hey Alaska, you look beautiful." Ashton said, smiling brightly.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now