Chapter 17

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Alaska was awoken by the sunlight hitting her face; she slowly opened her eyes, finding Arthur sleeping on the floor next to her. She had a terrible habit of drinking until she blacked out, and she knew that that was exactly what had happened.

She slowly shifted on the bed, her head pounding, and suddenly froze when she realized there was an arm draped around her torso.

"What the fuck?" she groaned, sitting up, her eyes widened as she realized Luke was fast asleep beside her.

"Al..." Luke groaned, clearly not very happy to have been woken up.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, jumping out of bed and backing away until her back hit the wall.

"You asked me to stay..." Luke said, sitting up on the bed. Alaska shot him a confused look, clearly showing him that she didn't remember anything from last night.

"Oh fuck..." Alaska's breathing started to hitch.

"Relax, we didn't do anything...we just fell asleep." He said, realizing she was starting to freak out and wondering if she was acting like that because she thought they had slept together.

"No, it's not can't be here!" she said, her heart pounding on her chest. "This can't be happening."

Luke noticed Alaska's agitation, not knowing what to do. He stood up, trying to calm her down, Arthur standing up as well, rushing to Alaska's side. "Al, what's wrong? I just slept here, nothing happened."

"You don't understand!" Alaska said, closing her eyes, a few tears streaming down her face.

"Al, I'm just in your apartment, what's the problem?" he asked, stepping back when Arthur started to growl at him, probably sensing he was the one upsetting Alaska.

Alaska hid her face in her hands, feeling a tightening in her chest; she knew that an anxiety attack was starting.

"You need to leave! Now!" she said, trying to hold the tears in, rushing her way towards the kitchen where her medicine was.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on." Luke said, following her through the living room into the kitchen.

"It's not my apartment!" Alaska said, her hands shaking as she quickly opened the flask and swallowed the pills.

"What are you talking about?" Luke asked, more confused and frustrated as ever.

"It's not mine! It's his, and Arthur's and mine! It's ours!" she yelled, backing up until her back hit the refrigerator, sliding down and crouching down on the floor, trying to slow her breathing down. She couldn't have Luke here. This was their place; she never had anyone other than one or two close friends on her apartment after Robbie. And Luke, she hadn't just let him in, she let him stay the night, and sleep on their bed.

"Al, please talk to me..." Luke said, approaching her and kneeling down next to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Alaska said; Luke just wasn't sure if she was apologizing to him or to someone else.

"Just breathe, Al" Luke said, trying his best to not freak out as well. Alaska breathed in and out for a long time, trying to remind herself that it was just Luke, and that it had happened and that there was nothing she could do about it.

They both sat in the kitchen for a while; Alaska could feel the medicine kick in and her breathing slowing down. She knew that Luke was worried about her; she just didn't know how to explain it to him.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now