Chapter 21

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"Luke, honey? Are you guys up?"

Alaska was woken up by a knock on the door to realize they had fallen asleep over the sheets still wearing the same clothes from the airport, the only thing keeping her warm being Luke's body beside her. He had his arm draped over her, hugging her small body to his chest.

"What is it, mom?" he groaned, slowly untangling himself from Alaska and turning to his mom. Alaska could help but miss the warmth of his body as she sat up in the bed.

"I just though I might wake you guys up since your brother will be arriving in a half an if you two would like to get ready for dinner..." Liz said, observing the couple with a smirk.

"Alright, thanks mom." Luke said, his voice still rusty from just waking up.

"Thank you, Liz" Alaska smiled before Liz closed the door, leaving them both alone again.

"Shit! It's already 7:30!" Alaska said, checking her phone. She couldn't believe they had slept for almost 3 hours; she was still tired though.

"Yeah." Luke said, falling back on the bed, burying his face on the pillow.

"We should get ready for dinner." She said, standing up from her spot on the bed.

"No need. Its just dinner." He said, his voice muffled from the pillow.

"Well, I need to. I look gross." Alaska said.

"You look fine." He said, closing his eyes again.

"Liar." Alaska chuckled. "Is it okay if I take a shower?"

"Of course. The bathroom is through that door over there."

"Thanks." She said. Quickly entering the bathroom to wash out the plane trip off of her.

When she got out of the shower, Luke was fast asleep again. She held her towel close to her body and poked his cheek, receiving a groan from the sleeping boy.

"Luke, are you gonna take a shower?" she asked.

"Nah." He said.

"Well. You should." She chuckled. "Cause you kinda stink."

Luke opened one eye to find Alaska looking at him with a smirk on her face. She was only hearing a towel and her long wavy hair was still wet from the shower. He stuck out his tongue at her and slowly stood up and dragged himself to the bathroom, smiling at Alaska's giggles.

Alaska changed while Luke took a shower; she wasn't sure what to wear, so she settled for some black skinny jeans and a loose burgundy sweater. She scrolled down her phone until Luke came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but his black skinny jeans.

Alaska forgot how hot he was. Luke wasn't one of those muscular guys, he didn't have a six pack or huge biceps; but she had never liked muscular boys anyway. There was something soft about him, and at that moment, she wanted nothing but to kiss all the way from his jaw to his freckle covered shoulders. But of course she didn't.

She stayed silent while Luke searched for a shirt on his suitcase, running his hand through his wet hair. Once they were both dressed, Luke opened the door ready to go downstairs.

"Luke! Wait." Alaska said, pulling him back into the room.

"What?" he asked wide eyed.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now