Chapter 20

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They all said their goodbyes at the gate, since the boys would each go to their own homes and Luke and Alaska would go to Luke's. They would see each other in three days for an interview, but that didn't stop them from hugging each other dramatically like they would never see each other again.

Luke and Alaska both grabbed their suitcases and made their way to the car that was there to pick them up. Luke placing his hand on the small of Alaska's back while they both struggled to make their way through all the paparazzi and fans.

"Jesus! They really like you." Alaska sighed when they finally got into the black SUV. Luke only chuckled and shrugged.

They spent the entire car ride in silence; Luke stared at Alaska, who had her eyes focus on the other side of the window, trying to take in every aspect of Sidney. She had always loved to travel, and it was probably one of the only things she liked about her job; but she had never been to Australia.

When they finally arrived at Luke's house both of them stared out the window, "I'm scared." Alaska breathed out.

"Why?" Luke asked, turning to her.

"It's been a long time since I did the whole 'meet-the-parents' thing." She confessed.

"Don't worry, they'll love you." He smiled.

"Yeah. Of course they will, after all I'm just the girl who had drunk sex with their son and made him have to pretend to date her. No big deal." Alaska said sarcastically; she was sure Luke's parents would hate her.

"Well, they don't know that. Just pretend like we always do. Everything is going to be fine." Luke shrugged.

"Okay." She sighed.

"Let's go then, come on." He said, opening the door and helping her out of the door.

They grabbed their bags from the trunk and made their way towards the front door. Luke's house wasn't that big, but it looked huge in Alaska's eyes.

Luke was excited to see his parents; after all, he hadn't seen them in months. He knocked on the door and placed his hand around Alaska's waist and whispered a quick, "Relax, you'll do great," in her ear before his mother opened the door.

"Luke!" His mother yelled, jumping to hug Luke, almost making him fall backwards. He had missed his mother's hugs.

"Hi mom." His voice came out a little muffled from the embrace. Alaska smiled at the sight of Luke and his mother. She had no idea what it was like to have what they had.

"You must be Alaska!" Luke's mother turned to her after finally letting go of Luke. "You are even prettier than on TV!"

"Thank you." Alaska chuckled, "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Hemmings."

"Oh please, call me Liz." She said. Luke's mother was beautiful, and nice and adorable.

"Oh, sorry." Alaska said, smiling at her.

"Don't worry, sweetie, let's go inside, shall we?" Liz asked, taking one of their bags and helping them inside.

"Your home is lovely." Alaska smiled, looking around the interior of Luke's house. It was simple and comfy, there were photographs of his family on the walls, flowers on vases and everything a house should have; Alaska felt a little out of place there.

"Thank you so much." Liz smiled at her. "Beautiful and polite."

Luke shot Alaska a bright smile, which she returned with a small one.

The Brightest Star - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now