Chapter 38

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"Luke, wake up."

"Seriously, man. Luke!"

Luke was woken by someone shaking his shoulder. He opened his eyes to meet Calum's worried ones.

"Hmmm?" He mumbled. His head was aching and all he wanted was to sleep.

"Did you sleep here? What happened?"

"Nothing." Luke slowly sat up. He realized he was in the small couch on Calum's room, still fully clothed and incredibly sore. He didn't exactly wanted to talk to Calum about what had happened with Alaska the night before, but he didn't really saw a way out.

"You look like shit." Calum stated, crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow at his friend. Luke didn't seem like he had slept at all, his hair was all messed up and he had dark circles under his puffy red eyes. He looked like he'd been crying.

"Thanks man." Luke rolled his eyes at him.

"What happened?"

"Me and Alaska got into a fight." He sighed.

"Seriously?" Calum asked, sitting beside the sleepy boy.

"Yeah. It was kind of bad." Luke scratched the back of his neck, shutting his eyes at the thought of Alaska's face.


"She kissed Harry." Luke spoke.

"What?" Calum's eyes went wide.

"Well, technically he kissed her." Luke reasoned. "She pushed him away."

"Oh," Calum's expression softened a little. "Well, what's wrong then?"

"I kind of got really mad..." Luke tried to explain.


"I said some things..."

"Oh no, Luke! What did you say?" Calum furrowed his eyebrows.

"I-I accidentally called her a..." Luke was extremely embarrassed and mad at himself for saying it. He couldn't even convince himself that it was him that said such a thing.

"A what?" Calum insisted, probably getting madder with Luke each second.

"A slut." Luke said quietly, hoping Calum wouldn't hear him, but of course he did.

"What?" Calum raised his voice, standing up. For a moment Luke thought he was going to punch him or something.

"It was an accident!" Luke stood up as well.

"An accident?" Calum scoffed.

"I was mad, okay? And it just – it just slipped." Luke pulled at his hair.

"You're such an asshole, Luke." Calum started pacing around the room. "I can't believe you did that."

"Me neither, okay?" They were both shouting now. "I was so mad and she was with him and he kissed her and it made me fucking mad, alright?"

Calum stood there with a thoughtful look on his face for a while, as if he was trying to imagine what had passed through Luke's mind that moment.

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