Choose [13]

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You have to choose...

That's what Signe had told him the previous day before, and Jack was honestly sitting at his desk, exhausted by not just the situation, but worrying about it and getting a lack of sleep. He felt his hands lightly tug on his messy green hair, which was starting to fade after not having been dyed for awhile.

A choice, of having to pick between your best friend or your girlfriend... Could anyone really so easily make that decision? Sure, Jack was pissed at Mark for the fact that he practically tried to screw him because he was emotional, but at the same time - he couldn't stay mad at him. Mark was one of the most important people to him... But he loved Signe, and they were living together... If Jack was even considering of taking that kiss and finding out if it had meant anything, it could be bye bye meaningful relationship and hello to, a waste of time.

Who knew if a relationship would even work between Mark and Jack, if they were even to consider it...

What Jack needed, was to talk to Mark on Skype. But after the argument they had last night, Jack felt like that maybe Mark might not have wanted to talk. At least, not to him.

Well, whatever. Jack needed to find out just what was going through Mark's head when he had chosen to kiss him. He needed to know if it had actually meant anything to Mark. Maybe then, he'd know his true answer.

"Please answer..." Jack murmured, as he clicked on the video call button for Mark's Skype and waited for the reply.

It took a short while for any answer, but Mark's face did eventually pop up on screen. Jack couldn't help but gleefully smile when he saw him, despite the fact he was so pissed at him like, merely 24 hours ago.

"Hey, Jack..." Mark muttered, obviously slightly hesitant after yesterday. It was then that the smile slipped off Jack's face and he looked more serious.

"Hey... How are you?" Jack tried, attempting to get the conversation rolling. Mark shrugged, avoiding eye contact with the camera.

"Eh, I dunno... I've been... I've been better, admittedly but... I'm okay..." He answered, before taking a long pause, his face turning to a thoughtful expression as if he was going over everything again within his mind. He then gazed back at the screen, towards Jack. "What about you...?"

"I uh..." Jack scratched his lime coloured hair. "I told Signe the truth."

"Oh? How did that go?"

"Well... She reacted much calmer than I expected... But... She wants me to choose."

"Choose?" Mark repeated, confused.

"Yeah. She wants me to decide whether or not I want to keep dating her, or whether I should see how things would go with you..."

"O-Oh... R-Right..."

"Mark, I just have to know something..."


"...When you kissed me..." Jack stopped. "...Did you do it because you were upset, or did you do it because you felt like it would mean something to you?"

Mark led back into his chair, as he went to answer.

"Well... I think it was... A bit of both." He said. "I needed someone by my side with what I was going through... And I guess it was just a moment thing... I mean, I wanted it to happen, but then I didn't because... Y'know, we're best friends. Best friends don't just kiss each other, like you had said and you... You... You, have a girlfriend... I just wasn't thinking..." He muttered, running his hand through his red hair as he spoke. Then, as he was finishing what he was saying, his face screwed up as if he'd might start crying.

"And you know what's terrible?" His voice cracked, tears starting to form in his eyes. "When I kissed you, I truly remembered that I have always felt that way... It's just... I'm good at burying things deep - not too deep, but just deep enough that they don't affect me on a day to day basis... But then, I just couldn't help it... I'm sorry, Jack... I'm so, so sorry for kissing you... I know I shouldn't have done it but..." Again, he stopped talking as he bit his bottom lip and stared down at the floor, tears beginning to stain his cheeks. Jack stared back at the screen.

"Are you tryin' to tell me you've liked me for much longer than you had let on...? ...How long, Mark?"

Mark hesitated, not really wanting to say.

"How long, Mark?" Jack pressed, hoping that Mark would answer him.

"Since we first met, okay!?" Mark complained, covering his face in shame. Jack sat, silent and wondering what to say. He frowned.

"You kept feelings like that buried for so long...? ...Mark... That isn't healthy. You could have at least spoken to me, so I could have at least helped give you some closure or somethin'..."

"No, because I knew exactly how that conversation was going to go... You have a girlfriend, you'd just tell me that and tell me to move on... But I didn't want to, even though I had to try anyway."

"Is that why you dated Amy?"

"What? You mean like a rebound sorta thing? No!" Mark said. "I was genuinely interested in her which is why we started going out. It made it a lot easier for me to put away my feelings for you, to forget about them and move on..."

"But you obviously didn't..."

"No... And I just feel awful about the whole thing... I never should have kissed you, or even told you for that matter... I messed with your head, and I messed with your relationship when you're with such a nice, caring girl who obviously loves you..."


"Just forget about all of this, Jack... Please... I can't stand the stress of it." He cried into his hands. "I can't stand getting in your way and doing this to you and Signe. You guys are obviously perfect for each other, and I'm not going to stand in your way, so..." He moved his hands away from his face, staring tearily into the camera. "Just forget about it..."

Jack was almost ready to answer, protest and tell Mark that he couldn't just let this go. However, Mark hung up the call before he had even gotten the chance to reply.

"M-Mark!" Jack cried, trying to call him back. He gritted his teeth together, waiting for Mark to pick up but... No answer.

"Mark, please..." Jack whispered, starting to feel tears stab at his eyes. "Don't leave things like this..."

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