I love you [26]

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It's god damn frustrating when people change plans at the very last minute. It's like, no. If it's the day you've made plans for, there should be no reason for you to change it at the last and worst possible time.

As expected, three months had flown by ever so fast. It was now June the 28th, Mark's birthday. Jack had flown over from Ireland the day before, arriving before everyone else. He and Mark had just played some video games that evening, before going to sleep as Jack was exhausted from jetlag and Mark didn't really feel like staying up alone.

It was now the next day and Jack was standing outside Mark's house, waiting for him to be ready for their date. However, Jack was currently on the phone to Felix, who had told him things had been changed.

"What the fuck do you mean we're not meeting at Mark's house anymore...? ...Yeah, Felix, I don't know where that is!"

"I'm sorry, Jack! It was Arin's idea when we told him the plan. He was all 'how would we have a party in Mark's house? It's too small! Fuck that shit, I know where we can go.'"

"God dammit..." Jack sighed, taking the bridge of his nose between his thumb, his middle finger and his index finger in annoyance.

"Look, I'll see if I can send you the directions or whatever. We'll see you later, alright?"

"Wait, what?! Felix!" Jack cried, right before the phone went silent. He furrowed his brows, staring at his phone as he realized Felix had hung up on him.

If things were going to go to shit and get terribly ruined, Arin was so going to get an earful. He already expressed he wanted Mark's birthday to be special.

Just as he was shoving his phone into the pocket of his blue hoodie and then repositioning the beanie on his head, he felt two strong arms snake around his waist. He flinched in surprised, just before realizing it was Mark who smiled, happily nuzzling his cheek into the side of Jack's neck.

"Hey." Mark said. "Thanks so much for turning up for my birthday."

"No problem." Jack grinned, turning to face him, hanging his arms over his shoulders. "May I have the keys for the car? So I can drive us to where we're having our date."

Mark nodded, fishing his keys out of his jeans and happily handing them to Jack. Jack beamed, giving him a quick peck on the lips before heading to the car with Mark following behind.

"So, where are we going?"

"That's a surprise. You'll see when we get there." Jack winked, starting up the engine, backing out of the driveway and pulling away from the curb.


Covering his eyes, Jack led Mark along after they had gotten out the car. They were just outside the building and went inside, Mark still being completely blind as to where they were.

"Am I allowed to look yet?"

"Mhm!" Jack said, removing his hands away from Mark's face. Mark gasped, seeing a huge ice rink with a few other people skating on it. It was pretty deserted, considering June was a pretty awkward time of the year to go and ice skate. But it did mean they almost had the whole place to themselves.

"No way..." Mark murmured. He turned to face Jack, a look of realization on his face. "Is that why you asked me about ice skating?!"

"Yeah." Jack sheepishly admitted with a smile.

"But... I don't know how to skate..."

"I know. But I could teach you!"

Mark's face broke into a loving expression, as he stepped towards Jack, giving his boyfriend a hug. Jack beamed, hugging him back.

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