Stop Ignoring Me [57]

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Meeting up with Amy was quite pleasant. She was obviously surprised to see all of them there, but was also happy nonetheless. When she was told they wanted to spend the day together just doing whatever, she happily obliged.

Though, there was a problem. A problem that most people might face when there is a odd number of people in your group. You might find it when you're walking on a sidewalk sometimes, and the path is way too narrow to fit at least three people in a line on it, so you have to trudge behind everyone else like a loner. Well, funnily enough, it was actually none other than Jackaboy who found himself in this situation.

They had all gone to the store, deciding to buy themselves strawberry milkshakes with straws. (Which, by the way, tasted delicious). And they were just sort of walking around, sharing conversation while trying to think of what to do or where to go next. Well, everyone was having conversation, apart from Jack.

It was the red head and the blonde who seemed to be leading, walking beside each other as they drank from their straws, while also catching up. (It had been awhile since they last spoke). While Signe and Michael babbled away about the new home they wanted to live in together. Jack felt like he might as well have been elsewhere.

He hated situations like this. Because, as a human being, he always felt a small sense of jealousy bubble up in the pit of his stomach whenever he'd find Mark practically ignoring his existence, to then go talk to his old girlfriend.

And you may think that it was pathetic, for him to feel jealous but it's not like he was the only one. Mark still had this problem, he had that look in his eyes when he saw Jack and Signe talking earlier that day, talking about him. He was jealous then and Jack knew it.

But, whatever. Surely, after this, Mark and Jack could just spend some time home alone together. Maybe play some video games, cuddle up on the couch like they always did. They hadn't done that in awhile, and Jack was beginning to miss having Mark near him a lot.

He was missing having hugs from him. Kisses, or even loving conversations. Mark had pretty much closed in on himself, seeming to lose interest in the world since that day. And even though it hadn't been overly long since the argument, it had felt like an eternity. Jack just wanted his loving, adorable, giggly boyfriend again. The one that for some reason seemed to be happily talking in the presence of Amy, when all he seemed to do to Jack as of lately was shut him out.

Needless to say, the day was exhausting. Eventually, they all went their seperate ways going home, Mark obviously still with Jack as they walked home in silence, the sound of their feet hitting against the concrete floor in sync was all that could be heard as neither of them said a word.

At least, no one said a word until they got home and Jack finally snapped.

"Okay, that's it. I'm fuckin' fed up." Jack complained, the moment he slammed the door behind them. He put his hands on his hips, glaring up Mark. "Tell me Mark, why haven't you been talkin' to me lately?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I fuckin' mean!" Jack cried in frustration. "I mean, for real! You haven't been yourself since Matt and Ryan moved out! Like, I understand that you're sad about it, but it doesn't mean you have to fucking shut me out!"

"I'm not shutting you out, Jack!" Mark argued back. Jack rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Sure, you haven't spoken to me in days, yet you have no problem with talking to Amy!" Jack snapped, accidentally saying more than he had meant to. But he tried not to let it show on his face that he regretted what he said. He wanted Mark to know how mad he was.

"What?! What has this got to do with Amy? Are you serious right now, Jack?" Mark cried. "You always tell me never to be jealous of you and Signe, yet here you are, seeming to get in a piss with me because I've been talking to Amy."

"It's not just that, Mark. Unlike you, I don't fucking get jealous out of the blue. How do you expect me to feel, when you haven't spoken to me in days!" Jack shouted, his voice cracking as he sounded like he might start crying. Mark stayed silent, as he continued.

"Not just that, but you haven't even given me hugs lately, or kisses, or even told me that you love me! I mean, I'm not expecting it every day, but am I really asking for much?! I just want my boyfriend back, Mark!"

"Alright, alright..." Mark sighed and whispered, stepping forward and pulling Jack in for a hug. "Shh... I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry..."

"...It's okay, Mark... I'm sorry too, for bringing Amy up like that again..."

"No, I get it. I get where you're coming from... I know I haven't been myself and I'm sorry. I shouldn't take it out on you." Mark frowned, slightly pulling away and staring right into Jack's bright blue watery eyes.

The American exhaled, placing a soft kiss on Jack's forehead. Jack just stood, allowing his soft lips to peck at the center of his forehead, before Mark actually smiled a little, continuing to trail kisses down the bridge of Jack's nose, to then finally meet his mouth. Jack giggled a little, kissing him back in return as their lips slowly moved in sync with one another. It was a kiss that lasted for at least maybe a minute, because it was one that was definitely long overdue from the American.

"I'm sorry, Jack... I'll try my best to just... Stop being so jerkish about everything to you... It's not even your fault, or even your problem and I've been nothing but an asshole to you these past few days... So... I hope at some point I can try to make it up to you."

"It's fine, Mark... Just as long as you don't keep bottling things up... Just as long as you come talk to me when you need someone, things can be better."

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