Betrayal [62]

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[A/N] - Please don't kill me for this chapter! xD It made me upset just writing it, but I wanted some drama! But I'll fix it after a couple of chapters, I promise! ;v;


No... What? What the fuck?!

Jack couldn't understand or even believe what his wide, blue eyes were witnessing. It wasn't real, was it? It just had to be a horrible nightmare, his insecurities messing with him.

Right there, sitting on the living room couch together was Amy and Mark. But they weren't just sitting. No. They had their faces together, their lips to be more exact. And they were just moving their lips with one another, Mark not even seeming to make an effort to fight her off. To even tell her to stop, that it was wrong.

No, it looked like he was enjoying it. Like he had waited this to happen. Had he just used Jack? Did he just pretend he loved him, just because he no longer had Amy? Why would he do this?! He thought he loved him!

At that moment, Mark's eyes opened and he saw Jack and he froze. Jack just stood, shaking as they quickly jumped apart, now just realizing his existence. Jack slowly shook his head and clenched his fists as he could feel the anger inside him slowly build up.

"J-Jack...!" Mark stuttered, quickly getting up. "It... It isn't what it looks like! I swear!"

"Don't give me that bullshit!" Jack shot back, his voice like venom. Mark bit his lip, stepping around the couch to be closer to him.

"Jack, please--" Mark started, reaching out for him. But Jack just flinched, stepping away.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He screamed.

"Wha-- Jack, she kissed me!" Mark argued, pointing at her. She said nothing, just looking down at her knees, guiltily. Jack glared at both of them.

"Yeah, right. Even if she did, it doesn't look like you were makin' much of an effort to fight her off, did it?" Jack grimaced.

"I... Okay, maybe I didn't try hard enough but... I didn't mean it, Jack! I was just so angry and confused that I... I wasn't thinking! I swear, I'd never want to hurt you! I love you, Jack...!"

"I love you too, Mark..." Jack muttered, glancing down at the floor with tears in his eyes. "But..."

"But what?" Mark asked, stepping closer to him. Jack sighed, feeling Mark take his own hands into his.

"But I... I can't trust you now..."

"What are you talking about? Surely we can figure this out! Jack... Please... You can't do this to me... I can't lose you too..." Mark whispered, tears also beginning to stab at his eyes. Jack bit down on his lip, trying to stop himself from crying. But it still didn't stop the salty tears from sliding down his flushed cheeks.

"It doesn't matter now, Mark..." Jack mumbled, slipping his hands free from Mark's. "Just moments ago, I used to see you as someone who would never, ever hurt me. Not ever... And you... You just..."

"Jack..." Mark whispered. Mark looked down for a moment, then glancing over his shoulder towards Amy. He gave her a look, a look that said, "can you go?"

She seemed to get the message and got up to leave, not saying a word as she avoided all eye contact with both of them. They heard the door click shut, sending them into a short moment of silence.

"Look, Jack... I love you, and I'm sorry..."

"But that doesn't matter, Mark! Not anymore!" Jack shouted, glaring right into his eyes. "Sure, maybe in any other situation, I'd just forgive you. Like the idiot I am, because I love you more than anything..."

"So, why--"

"But..." Jack started, interrupting him. "Not anymore, Mark. I should have seen it comin'. This past while has been pretty shitty, and you've been nothing but a jealous, annoying asshole. And I wanted to be easy on you, because I know it can't be easy to lose Ryan and Matt as your friends... But maybe that was your own fault."

Mark's eyes widened, clearly hurt by what Jack had just said. Jack sighed, shaking his head and continued to let the tears slide down his face, as Mark began to cry too.

"...Fine... I understand..." Mark whispered. "I fucked up, didn't I...?"

Jack nodded.

"Yeah... Yeah, you did... Honestly, Mark... Why? Why would you do this? We were doing so well and then you just had to...? Did you really believe that I went off with Signe to sleep with her or somethin'? Is that why you kissed Amy? Because I wish you could have trusted me just as much as I trusted you... After all..." Jack hesitated, but then decided to say what was on his mind. "Out of both of us, you were the one who was more likely to do this, thinking back to how OUR relationship started..."

The red head said nothing, not knowing what to say. He didn't want to argue. But he didn't want to lose Jack... He didn't kiss Amy, she kissed him! Sure, maybe he could have pushed her off but... He just wasn't thinking!

"I... I better go..." Jack muttered under his breath, turning away from Mark, sadly.

It was like their whole worlds had been turned upside down. Like everything had been so perfect, like they really believed they were meant for each other. Why did it all go so wrong? Why did Jack have to see Mark kissing Amy, and end up in a heartbreak?

Maybe things were just TOO perfect, and the world didn't like that... They had the perfect jobs, the perfect friends and the perfect person that was dearest to them. But then it all had to go wrong. Jack couldn't just push past it and forgive him. He never believed Mark would do such s thing, not to him.

Perhaps he did it to anyone. If he'd break up, or get bored of someone, he'd just as easily move onto the next. Is that what this was? Did Mark believe they had become stale and just wanted to go back to Amy...?

The rain was still hammering down like crazy upon Jack's shoulders. But he didn't care. He just walked, walked and walked, not really having a destination in mind. But to even his own surprise, he ended up at the Grumps' house, not really thinking about it at all. Would they let him stay with them? Would they take him, with the mess that he was in?

Instead of continuously asking himself questions, Jack knocked on the door. Moments later, Arin ended up answering the door, the look of shock on his face when he saw Jack.

"Jack?! The fuck?! Did you walk over here with the weather like this?! Holy shit, man! Are you okay?"

"I... Uh..." Jack paused. "....Can I stay with you guys for awhile...?"
Arin rose his eyebrows, surprised. But happily nodded.

"Yeah, sure. Come in, get the fuck out of that rain, you're gonna get sick as hell!"

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