Come Back [68]

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He didn't get it, why were people still asking him questions. Could people not just understand the fact that he and Mark were no longer together?! The pressure, he hated it. Just staring at Twitter, while also hearing notifications pop up on his phone over and over.

'I just want to be left alone...' Jack thought, putting his phone on silent as he moved away from his computer, going to sit on his bed and curl up in a ball. People did not take the news as well as he would have liked.

Already, people were just asking more questions. What happened? Why did they break up? Whose fault was it? Why could they no longer be friends?

He wanted to tell people the truth so badly, but that would mean trashing Mark's name, and that was something he didn't want to do, and wasn't going to. He wasn't some petty asshole who was out for revenge. He just wanted to leave it and move on.

There were people who did understand, who just wished him well and said they couldn't wait to see Antisepticeye be revealed again. Comments like that were what made him happy. But the continuous questions, they just drove him mad.

After what felt like forever, sulking upon his bed, Jack returned back to his desk, still being upon Twitter. He exhaled, scrolling through it only to stumble across a post from... Mark.

Of course, he hadn't had the chance to unfollow him yet. However, this post really caught his eye. It was for a video, a vlog to be exact. And it was just titled... "Jack". He wanted him to see this.

'Why should I even watch this? It's probably just going to be him making excuses...' Jack's thoughts continued to wander. But no matter how much he tried to convince himself NOT to click on the link to the video, he did it anyway, being taken to that very same video on Mark's channel.

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and... I know I'm directing this video to one lone person, but... I still put this as public because I want you all to know how badly I screwed up... I don't expect Jack to watch this, but even so, I'm just gonna go ahead and say what I want to."

"If you guys aren't already aware, me and Jack, yes, we did break up... And I'm sure you guys are wondering whose fault it was and... It was mine. It was all mine..." Mark admitted, shamefully. Jack frowned.

"He's really admitting this to at least 15 million people...?" Jack muttered to his computer screen.

"You see... To sum everything up, I treated Jack badly... To be blunt, I was a huge asshole. Not even just to Jack, but to Matt and Ryan too, causing them to move out, which I don't blame them for now... But when they first left, I was extremely bitter and... I, being the douche I am, I took it out on Jack."

"And I messed things up in the worst way possible. I... Kissed someone else. And it doesn't matter that they kissed me first, I didn't even bother to fight them off as I was just so focused on being angry, bitter and twisted with Jack that I didn't even think of the situation..."

"After this, I don't expect anyone to like me, or even respect me in the slightest. I could have been so much more of a better person, but instead, I..." He trailed off, scrunching his face up as he was about to cry. "I screwed over and lost those I cared about and those who were so dear to me..."

Sitting in his chair, staring at the tearful red head, Jack said nothing. A tear began to slide on down his cheek, but he swiftly wiped it away shortly after.

" Jack... If you are watching..." Mark started, looking directly into the camera. "I know you won't ever come back to me... But just know that I love you... So much... And I wanted to be there for you, so badly... I just wasn't good enough... Find someone else who will take good care of you... Because it can't be me.... I'm sorry..."

Widening his eyes, Jack actually opened his mouth to answer back, like he was actually there in the room with him. However, the video stopped right there, Mark not even bothering to do his usual outro. No "see you in the next video". Nothing.

"Mark... You doof... You didn't have to do somethin' like that for me..." Jack whispered.


Staring up at the ceiling later that evening, Jack was debating his options. Was he really thinking of trying to sort things with Mark...? To see if maybe things could be okay again? Was that even possible? He was too scared to talk about things, as there was always the risk that something like this could happen again. He didn't want to get hurt again.

With a frown, Jack reached for his phone, remembering that he had put it on silent a few hours ago. To his surprise, he had seven missed calls from Ryan. Why had Ryan been trying to reach him like it was extremely urgent? He called seven freakin' times.

Worried, Jack called him back, waiting for him to answer. It took a moment, waiting for the phone to dial. Finally, it got through and he heard Ryan's voice on the other end of the phone.


"Ryan? What's up? Why do I have seven missed calls from you?" Jack questioned.

"And why the hell weren't you answering?!" Ryan continued, sounding frustrated.

"Well... I had my phone on silent."

"God damn it... Listen, Jack... You need to get down to L.A like, right now!" Ryan continued, sounding panicked. Jack sat up, feeling a tad on edge due to the sound of Ryan's voice.

"Now? It's like, almost 7pm over here."

"Just! Just do it, Jack!"


"It's Mark!"

Jack froze, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up the moment he heard his name.

"Mark? What about him? Ryan, what's going on?!" Jack cried.

"Just come to L.A." Ryan spoke, then hanging up.

"W-wait!" Jack exclaimed. Too late. Ryan had already hung up.

What was that about? Was Mark okay? Did something happen?

Still sitting on his bed, Jack could hear the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears, and the sound of his sudden erratic breathing. He needed to do what Ryan said, he needed to go to L.A.

He was just hoping that whatever was up, it couldn't have been that bad. It just couldn't have...

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