Why? [5]

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"I'm sorry to hear that Amy has been gettin' trouble, Mark." Jack said on Skype to Mark the very next day. The two had been done recording videos for the day, and even though it was late where Jack was in Ireland, they decided to have a Skype chat.

"Eh, stuff happens I guess. But hopefully shit will die down after putting out that video." Mark answered.

"Still... It seems like people mostly hate on her for 'sinking the ship'. I'm sorry for fueling it so much, Mark. Maybe that's partly my fault."

"No, Jack. Don't apologize, it's fine. It's funny, amusing and... Shouldn't be taken outta context..." Mark paused. "It's some of the people that see us fuel it that take it out of proportion."

"Well, still..." Jack frowned. "Is she gonna be okay?"

"I hope so. 'Cause I... I want this to work, Jack. I can't go having another break-up. Especially after suffering one at the start of last year... I care about Amy, y'know?"

"Yeah, I know you do, Mark. You two are cute together."

"Heh... Well, anyway, I better go. I'm hungry and want to get something to eat, so..."

"Oh, right! Okay! See you, Mark!" Jack waved, right before Mark hung up the call and got out of his chair to head to the kitchen.

He really hoped things were going down well after that video. He hadn't really thought of checking the responses. And, if truth be told, he was a little scared to do so. He didn't know how people were going to react.

Especially towards Amy.

Mark was almost ready to head back to his recording room, before hearing a loud knock at the door, which made him jump a little. It didn't seem like Ryan or Matt were currently home to answer the door, so he had to go and answer it himself.

The moment he answered it, the angry and pissed off version of his blonde haired girlfriend stormed in past him, already making her way to the kitchen. Mark stood, stunned for a moment, before mumbling to himself under his breath.

"Come in then..." He muttered sarcastically, trying to add some humor to the sudden situation, before closing the door and going to the kitchen to find Amy pacing back and forth angrily with her hands on her hips.

"Okay, what's happened now?" Mark frowned, crossing his arms. Amy instantly shot a glare at him as she stopped pacing.

"That damn video is what happened, that's what! People fucking despise me! It only made it worse!"

"What? What do you mean?" Mark asked, obviously confused.

"I mean, that there are people who thought it was my damn idea to try and get you to defend me! I've been getting notifications about it since yesterday! All because of that damn video!"

"Hey, don't get angry at me." Mark argued. "After all, you agreed that I should have uploaded something about it."

"Because you said it would be a good idea! But it obviously wasn't! Now people hate me even more!"

"Why have you got to say that like that's my fault?" Mark demanded, with a hint of annoyance.

"Because it was your idea! You suggested it!"

"Because I wanted to help you!" Mark cried, feeling hurt because of how Amy was acting towards him. "Seriously, what is your problem? I was just trying to do a nice thing for you, because I care about you. I told you to try and ignore those assholes, which I know is easier said than done, but it's not like you couldn't come to me when it's bringing you down."

"But it just doesn't make it go away, Mark! I hate being picked on on Social Media like this, just because of who I'm dating! It's pathetic!"

"So why are you arguing with me then?!"

"I'm not, Mark! It's just-- Arghhh! I can't do this anymore!" She screeched, tugging at her blonde hair. The room went quiet as she said that. There was a long hiatus before either of them spoke again.

"What...?" Mark croaked. Tears started streaming down her face now as she sighed and shook her head.

"I... I don't know if it's worth it anymore, Mark. I just... I can't."

"Amy...?" Mark whispered, his voice cracking. "Are you...? Are you... Ending things with me...?"

"I... I'm... I'm sorry, Mark... It's not that I don't love you, it's just... I can't..."

"But..." Mark trailed off, staring at her blank faced, until his face scrunched up like he was going to cry. "Amy, please..." He murmured, approaching her and lightly taking her hands into his and holding them both close to his chest. "Don't do this. I love you!"

"And I love you, Mark..."

"So why--"

"I just... I can't stand the attention. The hate. It's too much. It's just bad enough that I've had times where people recognized who I was in the street and they hated on me."

"You never told me that..."

"Yeah, well..." Amy shrugged. "I didn't want to worry you. And like you said, ignore it, right? I've tried to for so long and... I just can't anymore, Mark. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She whimpered, breaking down into a sob, setting Mark off too.

"Amy, I'm begging you... Don't do this. Please!" Mark pleaded. Amy shook her head, loosening her hands from his.

"I'm sorry..." She repeated, stepping away from him. "Find someone else who makes you happy, Mark. Who the fans will actually like. Because it can't be me. I'm not strong enough..."

"But, you can be strong enough! We can be strong enough, together!"

But no matter how much Mark attempted to argue, she seemed pretty set in her ways about breaking up with him. Before she turned to leave, Mark quickly went to her, placing a kiss on her lips. She didn't protest, however, it still didn't improve the matter at all.

"Forget about me, Mark." She whispered, before turning away and heading out the front door, slamming it behind her. When she was gone, Mark stood feeling like he was surrounded by complete emptiness. It was then that he just collapsed to his knees and cried his heart out, feeling utterly heartbroken.

The front door slid open again, to reveal Matt and Ryan coming home from the store. Their eyes widened, seeing their best friend grieving on the ground. Ryan was the first to rush over as Matt closed the door behind them.

"Mark! Mark, are you okay?! What happened?!" Ryan cried. But Mark couldn't get a single word out as every time he tried to explain he broke down into even more of a sob.

"Come on, let's get him to the living room." Matt suggested. Ryan nodded, before carefully helping Mark off the floor and leading him to the next room, sitting down next to him on the couch. They waited for a moment, giving Mark some time to recollect himself. When it finally seemed like he had calmed, Matt open his mouth to speak.

"So... What happened...?" He asked. Mark breathed a deep heavy sigh, wiping his eyes behind his glasses a final time before trying to explain.

"Amy... She... She... ended things with me..."

"WHAT?!" Ryan exclaimed, horrified. "Why?! I thought things were going well for you guys! You even uploaded a video to defend her so... What...?"

"I don't know, Ryan... I don't know..." Mark whimpered, placing his face into his hands. "I don't know why she'd do this... She just... She said she couldn't do it anymore."

"Damn..." Matt frowned. "Don't worry, Mark... It's going to be okay... We're going to be here for you, okay."

Mark nodded, giving them the smallest smile he could mange.

"Thanks, you guys..."

Author Note: Damn, that was actually pretty sad to write. D:
I wanna say that by doing this in the story, it doesn't mean that this is a scenario that I would like to play out for real. I adore Amyplier and they are honestly just adorable together. But this is obviously for the sake of the plot.
Just wanted to say in case any Amyplier fans got angry with me. ;v;

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