You're everything [45]

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On his way home, Jack quietly hummed to himself, his mind wondering as he thought what to do with the rest of his day. He had already recorded enough videos, sending them to his editor - Robin. So, for the rest of the evening, he was pretty unoccupied.

As he rounded a corner, not too far away from Mark's house, he ended up stumbling into someone, letting out a surprised gasp. His face flushed in embarrassment, feeling bad for running into this stranger. The girl standing in front of him flashed him an apologetic smile, right before a look of shock crossed her face and her mouth set into the shape of a circle.

"Oh my god! I know you! You're Jacksepticeye!" She exclaimed, now beaming the biggest smile Jack had seen all day. He grinned back. This girl was obviously a fan.

"Yeah, that'd be me." He chuckled. "Sorry for walkin' into you like that. Was my bad."

She shook her head.

"No, it's fine! I should be apologizing!" She paused. "But oh my god, I can't believe it's actually you! C-Can I get a picture with you?" She questioned. Jack bobbed his head, more than happy to take a picture with her, which made her utterly ecstatic.

The teenage girl pulled out her phone, using her front camera to take a few funny shots, each of them smiling weird doofy grins at the camera. Eventually, she put her camera away, thanking him and being extremely grateful. He listened intently, also thanking her for watching his channel. The two shared a hug, before splitting off their own ways.

That definitely made Jack's day. He just LOVED being able to meet people like that, who were actually excited to meet him, just like he was always overjoyed to meet fans. Because he was someone who was all about community, and being able to get involved with them was one of his favourite things about doing YouTube.

Minutes later, Jack arrived back at Mark's house, shopping bag in hand. He reached the door, going to fish out the house key Mark had given to him out of his pocket and... Shit.

Was it in the other pocket? Jack frowned, shifting the bag to his other hand, shoving his now free hand onto his other jean pocket only to find it still wasn't there. And yes, even after looking in the pockets of his coat, he still could not find it. Fucking perfect.

Mark's car wasn't parked in the driveway, meaning he was most likely still out with Matt and Ryan. That also meant, Jack had no possible way of getting inside. (Seeing as no one was home, and probably still weren't going to be home for a few more hours).

Surely there had to be an unlocked window or something that he could climb through. He bit his lip in thought, checking all the windows at the front of the house. They were all firmly locked. Okay, so around the back.

Fiddling with the windows at the back of the house, still nothing. Even the sliding glass back door wouldn't budge. It was then that he went back around the front, slumping down onto the doorstep and accepting defeat that he was pretty much stranded outside until Mark and the others got home. Which was his fault for being a forgetful idiot and leaving his key behind.

He was lucky it wasn't winter, because he'd definitely be freezing his nips off right about now. It was more coming up to Summer in September, so it wouldn't really start getting all that cold until maybe late at night. Or something like that. How was he supposed to know what the weather was always like over here in L.A? When the weather in Ireland is pretty much always shit. Getting sunshine is a miracle in itself.

Ireland... It hadn't been long since he had left, and he was already missing it somehow. He wondered who was living in his old apartment now and what they were doing with the place. Good luck to whoever that guy or girl was, just hope the landlord doesn't treat you like shit.

A few people walking past now and then, kept giving Jack looks as he sat on the doorstep, arms crossed. He really hoped people didn't recognize him, because it would be unbelievably embarrassing. He decided to pull his beanie down further over his green hair, hoping that if no one noticed his facial features and his grass coloured hair, he'd be just fine.

After all, getting recognized WAS something he liked. But not at a time like this. Especially sitting right outside Mark's house. If anyone knew who he was, it practically said "Hey this is where Mark lives as I'm staying with him. Why don't you come say hi, even though that'd be a total invasion of privacy!"

But luckily after what felt like an eternity, (but was really only 2 - 3 hours), Mark's car pulled into the driveway, followed by Ryan and Matt stumbling out of the back seats, being nothing but giggly messes. Were they drunk?

Mark got out the car too, grabbing the two laughing goons by the shoulders and leading them back towards the house like lost sheep. The redhead noticed Jack's presence the moment he stepped out the car and wondered just why he was standing waiting for them on the doorstep.

"Jack?" Mark spoke. "What are you doin' out here?"

Jack stood, scratching his chin with a sheepish look on his face.

"Well, I kinda went to the store and forgot my keys so... I've been locked out for the past three hours." Jack admitted with a small laugh. Mark rose his eyebrows, surprised as he let go of Ryan and Matt, so they could find their own way into the house.

"How come you didn't call me? I could have come home and let you in if you wanted." Mark smiled.

"Well, you were out with Matt and Ryan, and I didn't wanna ruin your fun... Which, by the way, are they drunk?"

"Sorta. They wanted to just have one of those days I guess?" Mark shrugged, walking into the house after Jack and closing the door.

"Right..." Jack frowned. "You didn't drink, did you?"

"Me? No, of course not. I can't drink, remember? I mean, I can take small sips. But I'd never properly full on drink it again, you know? That's just asking for something bad to happen." Mark chuckled, pulling Jack in for a hug as he let out a small sigh.

"But I missed you today." Mark whispered. "I wish you could have hung out with us. It definitely would have made it more fun."

"I know, and I'm sorry. But I just wanted to get my videos done, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." Mark replied, giving Jack a small kiss on the cheek before nuzzling his face into the side of Jack's neck. Jack paused.

"I saw Amy today."

"Oh?" Mark frowned, pulling away from Jack to look him in the eyes. Jack smiled.

"It's fine, nothin' bad happened. I was actually nice to her." Jack said honestly. Mark grinned.

"Well, I'm glad... Thanks so much, Jack, for not being too hard on her. I know I was so upset when she broke up with me but, she just had to do what she had to do I guess."

"It's fine, Mark." Jack answered. "And besides, this might sound selfish, but if you guys were still together... I wouldn't have realized how much you truly mean to me... I love you so much, Mark." Jack muttered, his face close to Mark's, their noses barely touching.

"I know... I'd never give you up for anything, Jack. I love you too, more than anything." Mark said, staring longingly into Jack's ocean-like orbs.

The Irishman stayed silent, but smiled in return. He leaned in, pressing his lips against the American's in a slow, loving kiss. Their mouths moved together in sync, as one. No matter how many times they shared this moment with each other, it would always be so romantic for both of them involved.

It really showed just how much they really meant to each other...

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