Promise Me [15]

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Mark stared into the darkness once again, lying on his bed turned over onto his side. He hadn't slept a wink since what had happened earlier between him and Jack. He allowed Jack to stay over, letting him sleep on the couch.

Should he have just kissed Jack again? Should he have just said that they should have been together? He didn't really know what he wanted anymore. Everything was happening so fast. The break up with Amy, then the kiss, the arguments between him and Jack and then Signe broke up with Jack... And they shared another kiss...

Did romance just complicate things between the both of them...? So far, it only seems like it's created nothing but problems. True, stupid decisions were made which caused those problems but... Would it just be a ton of trouble in the long run? He didn't want to ever lose Jack. He meant everything to him...


Yawning, Jack awoke on the couch the very next morning. For a moment, he was completely unaware of his surroundings, before remembering that Mark had let him stay over the night before.

Hearing clanging noises in the kitchen, Jack sleepily got up off of the sofa and went to the kitchen to see Matt and Ryan preparing themselves breakfast. Matt was the first to see him. His mouth hung open and he quickly elbowed Ryan several times trying to get his attention. Confused, Ryan turned to face him and a look of shock also spread across his face.

"Uh... Hey guys..." Jack said, standing awkwardly as he held onto his elbow with his other hand.

"Jack!" Ryan exclaimed. "What are you doing here? When did you get here?"

"Last night... I um... I came to see Mark." Jack answered. Matt rose a brow, opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Mark also entering the kitchen. When Jack noticed him and glanced in his direction, their eyes locked for a moment, before they both awkwardly cleared their throats and looked away from each other. The room went silent, being filled with a sudden feeling of awkwardness. Both Ryan and Matt stared back and forth between the two, wondering just what exactly was going on.

"Okay, can someone explain what the hell is going on?" Ryan asked, narrowing his eyes. "Why are you two being so... Weird?"

"What do you mean by weird?" Mark frowned, scratching the back of his hair.

"You're being so... Awkward." Ryan explained. Matt's eyes widened, replicating that same expression that was on his face when he saw Jack come into the kitchen.

"Did something happen between you two?!" Matt cried, pointing at them. Ryan gasped, looking surprised too as Mark and Jack shifted uncomfortably.


"What happened?!"

"We just-- We just kissed, that's all!" Jack whined, earning an annoyed glance from Mark as their two friends gasped once again.

"Jack!" Mark complained. Jack sighed.

"Well, c'mon. We were probably gonna tell them sooner or later. Judging by their reactions, you haven't told them everything that's happened." Jack pointed out, crossing his arms.

"Wait, what else happened?" Matt questioned. Mark exhaled, taking the bridge of his nose between his thumb and his index finger. Jack stared at him, giving him a sort of "should I explain?" type of look. Mark just nodded in defeat, as the words came tumbling out of Jack's mouth.

"Well, the other day Mark came to visit me in Ireland and he kissed me--" Jack started.

"Mark!!" Ryan growled. "I told you not to do anything stupid!"

"I know, Ryan. But I don't know what came over me. I was just... He was being so kind to me and I was just staring into his eyes and... It's like I got hypnotized o something..." Mark answered sheepishly, causing Jack to grin and blush a little.

"Anyway, we did argue about it a lot... I was pretty horrible to him about it and I felt awful... So I wanted to visit him... Before I came to visit, Signe broke up with me."

"W-Wha..? Oh my god, Jack, are you okay?"

"It's true that I'm sad about it..." Jack admitted, his smile fading. "But... She said she'd stay friends with me... I guess that's better than nothing, right...?" He sighed. "Anyway, when I got here, I wanted to test whether or not I cared for Mark in that way..."

"Do you?" Ryan wondered, awaiting his response. Jack thought for a moment, before nodding a little and looking at Mark.

"I think I do. Like, I feel like maybe I always have, just like you, Mark. But it's just, I never acted upon those feelings when we first became friends. I never really tried to think anything of them. And then I met Signe and they just sorta... Went away."

"Right..." Ryan answered.

"So, what are you guys going to do about it?" Matt wondered.

"Well--" Jack started.

"Nothing." Mark frowned, interrupting Jack. "Absolutely nothing."

"What?" Jack rose his eyebrows.

"Not ever?" Ryan questioned.

"Not ever."

"Woah, hold the fuck on there, Mark." Jack glared at him in frustration. "You're meaning to tell me you made a move on me, proceeded to tell me how you felt about me... Yet you don't want to do anything about it?!" He cried. "I'm not your emotional punching bag, I told you that! You can't do that to me, man!"

"Look, Jack, I just... I just don't want to open up a can of worms."


"Things could get complicated, if we dated. Not to mention we both only just broke up with our girlfriends, I'm just not in the right place for a new relationship."

"I'm not sayin' I am either, Mark. I'm not sayin' we have to date now, I get what you mean. But I just don't want to have had my girlfriend dump me for absolutely no reason... I'd like to date you, Mark. Whenever either of us are ready."

"Awhhh..." Ryan and Matt said in unison.

"I know, Jack... Look, it's not that I wouldn't want to date you either... I know I care about you, even if I'm still torn up about Amy... But... I'm worried I'll just hurt you more, more than I already have..."

"What are you talkin' about?"

"Because of me, you and Signe broke up... It wouldn't have happened if--"

"Look, Mark... It's better that you told me. Maybe not in the way you did, but still. It's not healthy to keep those feelings buried deep down for so long..." Jack murmured.

"So, promise me something, Mark. When you're ready, promise you'll tell me. Don't keep me waitin'."

Mark hesitated, still frowning. There was a long pause before he exhaled and a smile began to form on his face.

"Alright, Jack... I will... I promise..."

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