Stuck [2]

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Heading back home could honestly be so stressful. Especially when they screw your flights up.

Everyone else had seemed to already left, as Jack and Signe were still waiting in the airport for an extra hour, hoping for some kind of good result to come out of it. But things were still fucked, even after the hour had passed. So, it looked like they were stuck in Seattle for an extra day... How delightful.

So, in the end with their flight being completely cancelled, they ended up booking a new hotel, hoping to be able to go back to Ireland tomorrow, instead of today.

But luck wasn't going to be on their side, as they then got stuck in Boston with more flight complications. It frustrated Jack so much that he ended up posting about it on Twitter.

"Well, at least we get to spend time in Boston I guess..." Signe said, as they walked down the street, passing by stores as they did.

"It's lucky I had extra videos prepared for a situation like this." Jack replied.

"Yeah. You still haven't missed an upload schedule. High five!" She joked, trying to give her green haired boyfriend a high five.

"Anyway, what do you wanna do while we're stuck here?" Jack wondered, linking his arm with hers and putting his hands in his pockets as they continued to walk on the sidewalk. Signe thought for a moment.

"Why don't we just go to some stores and look around?" She suggested.


Mark's P.O.V

Mark had safely got home after his time at PAX with his friends. He was just saying goodbye to his girlfriend Amy, as she had to get home. The two talked about PAX for a good five minutes, before a cab pulled up and Amy had to go. They shared a loving kiss, before she waved goodbye and climbed into the cab and it drove away.

When he got the chance, he went onto his computer and onto Twitter. He saw that a lot of people were talking about just how amazing PAX had been, and it was utterly taking up his feed. He decided to make his own post, which said:

"Hey guys! Finally back from PAX! It was awesome getting to meet you guys! :D"

After clicking post, he scrolled through Twitter a little more, to see Jacksepticeye had tweeted about thirty minutes ago.

"Stuck in Boston after travel complications. Oh, fun! D:"

"Sorry to hear that. Hope you get back safely buddy!" Mark tweeted to Jack. Moments later, he replied.

"Thanks! It's not terrible tho. We're just looking around and stuff. It's quite nice."

Before the tweets started to come in about the fact that they were tweeting to each other, Mark decided to move away from his desk for a moment.

Returning from the kitchen after getting a snack and getting something to drink, he sat back down at his desk to look at Twitter once again. As expected, people were saying stuff. But then there was Jack's post that people were commenting on, where he had said "we're just looking around". By the "we're", he had meant himself and Signe. But obviously some people were still pretty clueless that he even had a girlfriend and were freaking out, wondering what he had meant.

Sometimes people even act so shocked when they know that they have girlfriends. Its like "omg, you have a girlfriend?!" Why is that so surprising?

Not to mention the ton of shit that Signe got for being with Jack. She was honestly a trooper, being able to withstand all that internet abuse and to still stay with the person she cares about. He was happy that Signe made Jack happy.

To interrupt his thoughts, he suddenly saw his Skype come up onto the screen as he was being called by Arin. He rose his brows in surprise, wondering what he'd be calling for. He brought his hand onto the mouse, happily clicking the accept button.

"Hey Mark!" Arin waved, who was also sitting next to Danny. Mark smiled and waved back.

"Hey Arin, Danny. How are you guys?"

"Oh, we're good. We saw on Twitter that you were back from PAX so we felt like calling you." Danny responded. "How was it?"

"Oh, it was a lot of fun. We got to meet a lot of fans and stuff and we all got to have dinner together which was nice..."

"Ah, cool!" Arin commented. "You know what, I was just thinking how we haven't done a video together in awhile."

"Well, probably not since the electric shock challenge, or the seven second challenge or... The balloon roulette."

"Or when we learned how to pole dance!" Danny grinned.

"Oh, how could I forget that?" Arin said, with fake sarcasm. "It was because of that moment that I may have lost my junk to the pole."

"I thought it was a lot of fun to be honest." Danny answered. Mark laughed, as he rested his chin in his hand.

"I haven't done it since that video."

"Does Sienna still even teach people?" Danny wondered.

"I think so. I don't know. I haven't really thought about going back and learning again all that much, I've been more into climbing and stuff as of lately."

"Hey, maybe if you get new skills they'll be helpful for you and Amy, wink." Arin smirked, causing Mark to roll his eyes.

"Oh, har har. I could say the same about you and Suzy."

"Indeed. I think Suzy would be very impressed." He jokingly replied. Danny shrugged.

"I could just show people how fabulous I am again."

"You did rock that outfit." Arin complimented.

"Awh, thank you." Danny gushed, causing Mark to chuckle.

"Anyway, I gotta go you guys. I should really prepare some more videos as I don't have anymore recorded. Was awesome talking with you!"

"Yeah, you too, Mark! See you!" Arin said, right before Mark ended up ending the call. He relaxed back into his chair for a short while, before deciding to get his recording set up and ready. He had chosen his game and hit the record button.

"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier!"

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