Romantic [50]

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[A/N] - I don't know if this chapter really needs a "smut" warning. I mean, it kinda goes down that road, but it's not detailed. In fact, it doesn't actually really describe that part at all, just the bits leading up to it and I didn't want it to be dirty and smutty, but more romantic, so I hope it came out like that. I wanted this chapter to be a big deal for the characters, and obviously something like that is a big deal. Which is why I wrote it for Chapter 50. But whatever, I ain't gonna ramble. I'll just let you read it for yourself.


"I can't believe how well everyone took it..." Mark murmured, once again being back in their hotel room later that evening, just laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

Jack was busy brushing his teeth in the bathroom, before then entering into the same room as Mark, going to sit on the edge of the bed next to him to remove his shoes. He nodded in agreement.

"Yeah... It was definitely... Mind blowing to see everyone's reaction." Jack replied, lying down next to his boyfriend who then put his arm around him. The Irishman sighed dreamily, closing his eyes and resting his ear on Mark's chest as he listened to his steady breathing and heartbeat.

"I'm just so happy things turned out the way they did... I love you so much, Jack." Mark whispered, gently brushing Jack's lime green hair with his fingers. Jack beamed, opening his eyes and looking up at him.

"I love you too, Mark..." Jack replied, propping himself up onto his elbow and giving Mark a gentle kiss. It was almost like he couldn't go a single day without telling this man how much he meant to him. He always wanted to make sure Mark knew exactly how he felt, that he was more important to him than anyone.

"I'm so happy I met you..." Mark grinned, giving Jack another kiss, then another and another. They were slow, full of love and adoration for the adorable little Irishman.

This had, without a doubt, been one of the best days they had shared together in the entirety of their relationship. (Apart from the day they first started dating, that would always be close to both their hearts). But it was just so surreal how things had turned out. Like everything had just fallen completely into place and this is where they were supposed to be. Who they were supposed to be with. And as they stared into each other's eyes, it showed they both believed that.

The Irishman let out a small giggle as he brought his hand up, gently caressing the American's cheek before giving him yet another kiss.

Pulling away from each other for a moment, the couple went silent, just continuing to eye each other as no one said a thing. They were just running their eyes over the other person's features, just seeing how handsome they were, like they had fallen in love all over again. And it was obvious they were both thinking about the same thing.

Usually, in the romantic movies when you see a couple in this situation, you usually expect them to just break right into it. To practically pounce on the other person and eat them alive. But for them, it was different. Mark slowly leaned in again, closing his eyes when he felt his lips brush up against Jack's. Jack closed his own eyes, melting into the kiss before bringing his arms up to wrap them around Mark's neck. Mark took his arms, carefully putting them around Jack's back, pulling him much closer.

The American made sure to be very gentle and caring, not trying to force his dominance upon Jack without knowing if he was totally okay with the current situation. But Jack just smiled into the kiss, happily letting what was about to happen, happen.

Mark ended up being on top of Jack, beaming down at him at those blue ocean-like eyes. The very same eyes he got lost in from the very first time they had met. He wondered, if he had told Jack how he felt so much sooner, where could they have been now? What would it have been like?

But it's not like any of that really mattered, they were still together now. Here, in the moment. Mark couldn't have asked for anything else. He wouldn't have traded in his relationship with Jack for the world.

"So..." Mark started, giving Jack another kiss. "You sure you wanna do this...?"

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm sure." Jack nodded, a pretty confident look on his face as if he didn't regret his decision at all. Mark smiled, leaning down again, pressing his lips against Jack's before moving to his neck.

"Well... You're free to back out at any time. So, if you're at all uncomfortable, just let me know, okay?" Mark whispered, pecking at the side of his neck. But Jack just closed his eyes, allowing it to happen.

It's what he wanted. It was the perfect night, the perfect time. After all, the very first time this had almost happened, they decided not to go through with it, as it would have just felt pretty meaningless. And that's not what they wanted at all.

After all, most people just used sex as an excuse to get off with someone. To just lose your virginity for the hell of it and just have some fun. But for others, it was meant to mean something. To be the next step in said person's relationship, which was what this was. It was the next step for them, something they hadn't explored before. It was a way for them to express how much they truly meant to each other, not just mentally but obviously physically.

Anyway, after that... You get the jist of what happened after that... But seeing as not everyone enjoys the details, we can just skip that bit. It may be magical for those involved, but for you to actually walk in on that shit, it was like the most horrifying thing ever.

The room had gone silent. The couple led under the covers together, laying in each other's embrace as their breathing calmed. Jack smiled, his eyes slowly closing as he felt completely exhausted. It actually wasn't long before he was actually quietly snoring away, being held in Mark's arms.

The red head chuckled, once again bringing his hand up to Jack's hair, lightly brushing it with the tips of his fingers, trying his best not to wake the sleeping man from his dreams. Mark exhaled, kissing Jack on the top of his head, before also going to close his eyes to drift off to sleep. But before he did, he opened his mouth to speak, speaking in a gentle whisper.

"Goodnight, Angel..."

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