Cabin [34]

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"God, I'm so nervous!" Mark nervously laughed.

"Relax, you'll be fine. They'll like you." Jack reassured him.

They were sitting in the car, Mark driving with Jack directing him where to go. Basically, Jack decided that he was going to take Mark to see his parents, seeing as they had spoken about it the last time he had visited Jack at the start of July.

It was beginning to creep up to August already. Meaning Jack and Mark had probably been in a relationship for about maybe six months now. Which was crazy, because it really didn't feel that long.

Jack had been so excited for Mark to turn up in Ireland. He arrived the day before, so they could start heading to his old house early in the morning. True, neither of them were really a morning person, (even though Mark tended to complain more than Jack), but they still got up nonetheless.

"Alright, just turn here." Jack pointed, the road going to a right where there were a bunch of trees around it. Mark nodded, checking it was alright to turn and turned the steering wheel, going down that road.

It was then that a huge smile fell upon his face as the place he had lived before started to come into view. Mark pulled the car over, trying to keep it out of the way of other cars that may pass by.

Mark stared out the window, being able to see Jack's cabin from there. He turned towards Jack.

"You really weren't lying when you said you lived in the middle of nowhere." Mark chuckled, climbing out of the car. Jack laughed, getting out of his side, also slamming the door closed.

"Yeah, well, it was pretty awesome because I could just shout all I wanted. You know, about how much I love nature, and all the birds..." He giggled, walking around the car and being the one to lead.

Mark walked beside him, beginning to wrung his clammy hands together. He didn't know why he felt so nervous, Jack's parents sounded like good people.

The Irishman must have noticed the look on his face, because he gave him a reassuring smile.

"Relax. They won't dislike you. And it's not like you're tryin' to impress them as my boyfriend anyway... As, I'm not really ready to tell them yet..."

"I know. But what if they don't like me, just being your friend? They definitely wouldn't like me dating you." Mark nervously said.

"It's gonna be fine, Mark. Believe me." Jack said, as they were now just outside his parent's house. Jack rose his fist, knocking on the door.

There was a short pause before the door slowly creaked open and they were first greeted by what Mark could only assume was Jack's father, Mr Mcloughlin.

"Sean!" The Irish man exclaimed, a smile lighting up his face. "It's been so long! How are you?"

"Hey, dad." Jack grinned. "I'm good, I'm good. What about you?"

"Yeah, yeah. Things have been pretty great." He said, his gaze trailing to the red head standing just behind him. "Whose this?"

"Oh." Jack started, turning towards Mark. "This is Mark. He's my best friend so I thought it would be cool to take him with me." He explained.

"Oh, right. Well, fair enough. You two can come in if ya would like." His father said, stepping aside to allow them in. Jack smiled, walking in with Mark slowly following after him.

"Uh, thank you, Mr Mcloughlin." Mark said, trying to be polite. His dad just beamed, seeing pleased by Mark's manners.

"Is ma home?" Jack wondered, looking around before glancing back at his father. He simply shook his head.

"No, she's still at work at the moment. But she should be back soon." He explained, right before a loud bark was heard.

Jack gasped when he saw Gizmo happily pounce into the room. God, he hadn't seen her in forever!

"Oh my god, hello Gizmo! Hello!" Jack grinned, kneeling down as Gizmo strolled over to him, almost practically knocking him over as she tried to lick his face.

"Mark, this is Gizmo. Gizmo, this is Mark. He's a nice guy, alright?" He pouted at Gizmo, before Mark kneeled down a little to speak to the little doggy.

Jack's father chuckled, leaving the two alone with the dog. Mark slowly put his hand out, allowing Gizmo to sniff it, right before she started licking it.

"Awh... You're a sweet little doggy aren't you?" Mark spoke sweetly, attempting to stroke the excitable dog. The Irishman beamed, getting up and staring at his boyfriend being nice and friendly to his pet.

"Hey, do you want to go see the cabin I used to record in?" Jack asked. Mark nodded, standing up too.

"Sure! I'd love to!" Mark replied, obviously enthused. Though, before they went to go out to the cabin, Jack called out to his dad.

"Dad? Is my brother home, in the cabin?" Jack called.

"No, actually, Sean! He actually moved out a few months ago."

"He did? Woah, good for him." Jack muttered, seeming proud of his older brother. His eyes trailed back over to Mark, as he motioned for him to follow. "Come on then."

Walking into that cabin for the first time in what felt like forever, Jack felt a different range of emotions all hit him at once. Being back here, back to where he first started it all, it was unbelievably surreal.

Jack sniffed, biting down on his lips as he felt tears beginning to sting at his eyes. He kept blinking, trying to stop himself from getting unbelievably emotional, but it didn't really seem to matter as a tear already began to trail down one of his pale cheeks.

Mark must have noticed, because he put an arm across Jack's shoulders, pulling him close. Jack managed a small grin as he cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure.

"Sorry..." Jack apologized. "Sorry, it's just, every time I come back here... I always get all teary eyed." He chuckled, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his blue hoodie.

"It's okay, Jack. I understand." Mark whispered.

"I used to record over there, right in the corner." Jack pointed. "You can still see where I stuck the foam padding to the wall."

"I see..."

"It feels so good to have come back again... I've missed it so much here."

"I know you have, Jack..." Mark said, still holding him close.

The two men went silent as they stared around the old cabin. It was so unbelievable to think that he was once just a little Irish boy, screaming out in the middle of nowhere, to being able to have everything and everyone he had today.

He was so grateful for everything. And if he could go back, he wouldn't change any of it for the world.

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