Grow Up [59]

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"So... What's his problem?" Signe pouted, as they left the house and began to walk down the path together. Jack exhaled, rolling his eyes as he frowned.

"Mark has a problem with me choosing to hang out with the Grumps over him... He knows how much I care about him, why has he always gotta be so fuckin' difficult?" Jack snapped, frustrated. Signe thought for a moment.

"Maybe he's just worried you'll be driven away like what happened with his other friends."

"Well, at this rate, with as childish as he's fuckin' being, that'll end up happening." Jack bluntly answered, before rising his eyebrows a little, realizing what he had said. He sighed, shaking his head.

"Nevermind... Sorry..."

"It's fine, I get it. You're just mad." Signe reassured him.

It's true, he was. Mad that Mark was being so... Pathetic, was the word that came to mind. He thought they had put this fucking problem aside, yet it just seemed like that all Mark wanted to do was argue some more.

Well, whatever. Jack was going to be spending his day with his other friends, he wasn't even going to think of Mark, if all it was going to do was put him in a bad mood. After all, last time he decided to leave a friend to be there for his boyfriend, it all backfired anyway, and that's when Mark spiraled down into being a gigantic douchenozzle.

'Course, Jack still loved him. It wasn't like Jack admired him any less, but... He was just angry and annoyed. He wished Mark would just grow up a little, realizing that he was the love of his life, and he wouldn't want to give him up for anyone. Hell, he wouldn't have wanted to make that one night where they told everyone the truth so special and dear to him if he didn't love Mark more than words could describe.

Anyway, pushing past that subject, they decided to talk about other things. Signe mostly went on about how she was excited to start living in L.A. She also felt quite scared though, because L.A life was totally different to life in Ireland. There was less nature, and way more people. It wasn't really an environment that Jack himself had ever really imagined himself living in, but then look what happened.

True, Mark never said that Jack had to stay permanently when he had first moved here. But the thing is, he had kind of come accustomed to life here now. But that wasn't the only thing, he probably couldn't go back home even if he wanted to, seeing as Mark would be unbelievably lonely without him. So he couldn't leave him to go back to Ireland, and it's not like he really wanted to, or that he had even thought about it all that much either.

Finally, they arrived. Being greeted by Danny at the door, before being led into their gaming room space, where they already seemed to have a game console hooked up. They had probably been playing console games while waiting for them to show up.

"Oh, you brought a friend!" Arin pointed out, grinning. Jack nodded.

"Yeah, I think you've probably met her at least once, back when we were going out." Jack answered. "Her name is Signe."

"Yeah, of course I remember Signe, even if it has been awhile."

"Mark didn't come with you then?" Danny questioned. Jack sighed again, rolling his eyes.

"Don't even get me started on Mark..." Jack grimaced. "But I'd rather not talk about him right now."

"You guys arguing?" Ryan asked.
"Ryan..." Jack muttered. Ryan shrugged.

"Well, I'm just asking."

"Yeah, we kinda are, I guess... But it's no big deal, it's fine. Now, can we just move on from this, please?" Jack begged.

Everyone else looked at each other before nodding, understanding expressions on their faces. Arin was the first to talk, trying to heighten the atmosphere once more.

"Anyway, what video games you wanna play?!"


It's crazy how fast time flies by when you're having fun. Jack had had the most amount of fun that he had had in a long time, just being able to chill out and play video games with Arin, Danny, Matt, Ryan and Signe.

Sure, he could have wished that Mark was there, but after awhile, after getting into it and just trying to enjoy himself, those thoughts really drowned away after awhile, almost like they were distant memories he wouldn't have to think about anymore. At least, until he had to go home.

His mood dropped when he had to say goodbye to everyone, then having to go his seperate ways with Signe half way home. After several minutes, he finally reached just outside the house which was completely silent. He assumed everyone else had gone home, meaning Mark was either still gaming alone, recording more videos, or just sleeping by himself upstairs.

Jack placed his key in the lock, opening the door to the dark. So, it seemed he was asleep. That's what he was going to guess, as he turned on the light after shutting the door behind him.

The moment he turned on the light, he could have jumped a mile, because when he saw none other than Mark, sitting in a chair, just casually flipping the pages of a book in his hand. But he wasn't even looking at the book, instead, he just stared right at Jack, like he was staring into his soul.

"The fuck are you doin'? You scared the shit out of me!" Jack whined, taking his coat off. Mark said nothing for a moment, his face still serious, until...

He actually smiled. And then chuckled a little, putting the book to his side.

"Sorry, I've just always wanted to do that."

"Well, har har, very funny." Jack huffed, going to walk past him to go upstairs. Mark slightly frowned, following up after him.

"Jack, can I talk to you?"



"Nope." Jack said again, finally reaching their bedroom. He was just so annoyed with him, one moment being pissy with him, and then the next he was perfectly fine.

"Look, Jack, I'm sorry." Mark apologized.

"Mhm. Sure." Jack replied, seeming disinterested as he casually got updressed, pulling his shirt up over his head, to then pull on a pajama shirt and repeating the same process with his trousers.

"Jack, come on. Just--"

"No! You know what, Mark?! No!" Jack snapped, pointing at him. "I'm sick of this bullshit! I mean, I'm tired of you constantly being a dick about the whole situation, and then going to apologize about it like it's nothing! Because I know you'll just straight up get angry about the whole thing again! I don't care if you don't like the Grumps, it doesn't mean I have no right to see them!"

Jack sighed, clenching his fists before unclenching them and shaking his head. He went to his side of the bed, lying down and pulling the covers over himself.

"You can apologize all you want, but it won't mean shit to me until you grow the fuck up."

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