Stupid [8]

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Jack was getting ready to record more videos to put up on his channel. Just as he was getting his set up started, and was about to do his usual intro, he heard a knock at his front door.

Surprised, he quickly got out of his chair to go answer the door. Who was that? It couldn't be Signe back already. She had only left to go to the store like five minutes ago.

Reaching the front door, Jack checked his hair in his front camera on his phone for a moment, seeing that he looked somewhat presentable for whoever was at the door. He then put his phone away into the pocket of his red hoodie and opened the door.

"M-Mark?!" Jack cried, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "What are you doing here?!"

"I... Can I come in...?" He murmured, and Jack nodded, happily stepping aside to allow him in. He then closed the door, crossed his arms and gazed at Mark, waiting for him to explain himself.

"Why did you fly all the way over here from L.A? I haven't heard from you in days." Jack commented, walking across the room and towards the stairs to go back up to his room to check on his computer, with Mark following up behind.

"I... Uh..." Mark tried. "I just... I needed a friend..." He muttered, as they came into Jack's room and he sat at his computer desk, turning his chair around to face Mark.

"Why? What happened? And, not that I'm not humbled that you'd come all the way over here for me to be your shoulder to cry on, wouldn't it have just been easier to talk to Ryan or Matt?" Jack questioned, getting no response from Mark. He exhaled. "Anyway, what happened?"

"Uh... Amy and I... We... We broke up..." He frowned, looking down at the carpet. Jack's eyes widened, as he quickly got out of his seat and put his hands on Mark's shoulders.

"What?! Are you okay?!"

"I've... Had better days..." He answered, giving Jack a bittersweet smile, right before he burst into tears. Worried, Jack pulled Mark close, allowing him to cry into his shoulder.

"What happened between you two? I thought you guys were doing so well..."

"I did too... But then, poof. She broke up with me... I don't know why, Jack... She just... Said she couldn't anymore and I... I just feel so confused and broken inside..." Mark sobbed.

"Hey, Mark, it's going to be okay." Jack said, staring Mark right in the face. "I'm here for you, alright? You don't have to go through this alone..."

"Thank you... So much, Jack..." Mark whimpered. "You've always been such a good person to me."

"Hey, of course I would be. We're best friends after all." Jack grinned. Mark smiled a little, but didn't respond. He just sorta... Stared at Jack with a look of wonder on his face. Jack rose a brow, questioning just what was going through his head right now.

"Mark...?" Jack said. He couldn't believe what happened next.

Ryan told Mark not to be an idiot, not to be stupid. But sometimes, he just couldn't help himself... Not when he was upset. Not when he knew Ryan was right. He had more than just best friend feelings for Jack. And sometimes you make decisions in the spur of the moment to make yourself feel better...

Before Jack could do a single thing, Mark suddenly put his lips upon his. His blue orbs grew wide in shock as their mouths entwined with one another. He tried to push him off for a moment, to get frustrated with him and ask what the fuck was he doing. But before he knew it, he found himself getting into it and his eyes started to slowly close as their lips continued moving in sync with one another.

"Jack..." Mark muttered, before continuing to kiss his best friend. Jack didn't answer. Instead, he just sort of... Let it happen.

Why?! Why was he just letting Mark do this?! He had a girlfriend, and yet... For some reason in this moment, it didn't really feel weird at all.

Luckily, to stop the situation from going any further, a loud knock was heard at the door, which startled the both of them, causing them to jump apart. Jack slowly took a shaking hand up to his own lips, before looking at Mark with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes.

The knock was heard again. And without saying anything, Jack pushed past Mark to go downstairs and answer the door. Mark could hear the sound of two voices - Jack's and a female's voice. That was obviously Signe...


"Oh, Mark! I didn't know you were here! It's nice to see you!" Signe later smiled, giving him a hug when he had decided to come downstairs. Over Signe's shoulder, Mark could see Jack with his arms crossed staring at him with a look of disapproval in his eyes. Obviously because of what had happened earlier.

"Yeah, I, uh... I just wanted to see how you guys were so..." He nervously cleared his throat, still feeling Jack's glaring eyes on him. "Here I am I guess."

"Oh! Well, maybe me and Jack should make you something to eat!"

"I was thinking maybe we could go out to eat..." Jack seethed through gritted teeth. Signe turned towards him, an eyebrow raised.

"But I just got home and..." She looked back and forth between Mark and Jack and nodded, an understanding expression on her face. "Oh, right. I guess you guys just wanna hang out, eh? Well, that's fine. You guys are best friends after all." She smiled.

"R-Right..." Mark stuttered.

"Yeah, Mark. Let's go eat." Jack said, with a hint of fake enthusiasm. Mark gulped, feeling like he was in for a really bad time...


Minutes later, the two walked down the street side by side not saying a single word. Mark knew he had pissed Jack off for sure... And he was just waiting for the moment Jack would scowled him.

Passing by a park, Jack suddenly grabbed Mark's wrist, pulling him along to a nearby park bench.

"Sit down." Jack demanded, making Mark do as he was told. Jack then sat down next to him, the two just being inches apart.

"What the fuck were you thinkin'...?" Jack said, breaking the silence between them. Mark glanced down at his hands, clasped with one another.

"I don't know, Jack... I was just upset..."

"I get that, Mark. But how would you like it if you were still with Amy and I just randomly made out with you?" He sighed. "Alright, that was a bad example... But listen, this stays between just me and you. Got it?"

"Sure, I guess.."

"Mark, you don't just go and kiss best friends... Especially me. I mean, I'm not even into guys, Mark. Septiplier was just a whole damn joke, I didn't think you'd go as far to take it so seriously..."

"Right..." Mark said. "But... Jack... If you aren't... Into guys... Why did you kiss me back?"

Jack furrowed his brows and opened his mouth to argue. But the saddened look on Mark's face stopped him and he just exhaled, placing his face into his hands.

"I don't know, Mark... I don't know..."

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