Lucky [27]

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Talk about a fucking weird coincidence. Mark and Jack, on a date together, on Mark's birthday and the one person they could have possibly ran into out of everyone they knew... Well, it just had to be Amy. Talk about awkward.

"What...? What are you doing here?" Mark croaked, clearly shoked. She seemed just as surprised as the both of them, as she stared back, wondering what to say.

"I... I could ask you the same question..." Amy stammered. Mark looked towards Jack, a frown on his face.

"We were hanging out for Mark's birthday." Jack answered honestly.

"Oh, yeah! It's your birthday, Mark..." Amy gawked, acting as if she had worked it out all on her own. Suddenly, she took her black handbag off her shoulder, taking out none other than a large chocolate bar. She held it out to Mark. "Happy birthday..."

"Uh..." Mark paused, slowly reaching his hand to take it. "Thanks..."

"So, uh, how are you?" Amy tried.

"Good. I'm, uh... I'm good."

Jack frowned, scratching his green hair, feeling awkward as fuck right now. He nervously cleared his throat, getting their attention.

"Listen, Mark, I'll wait for you out by the car, 'kay?"


"It's fine. Just come whenever you're ready." Jack smiled, before leaving the two alone at the counter. He sighed, going outside, getting closer and closer to the car.

Damn, that felt fucking awful. But at least it gave him time to get away from Mark for a moment to see if Felix had texted him the directions for some restaurant or bar they were going to go to.

As he sat in the drivers seat, slamming the door, he checked his texts. There it was, Felix's text. Hopefully it was going to get them to where they needed to go.

Jack waited, impatiently tapping his finger on the car steering wheel. Eventually, he saw Mark leave the building, walking towards him with a small smile on his face. It was definitely brighter compared to the troubled expression he had just moments ago.

"You look happy." Jack commented, as Mark climbed into the passengers seat beside him. Mark nodded.

"Yeah, me and Amy just sort of talked things through, pushing things aside. It's better to be civil, you know?"

"Oh, right. Yeah, I get what you mean." Jack answered. After all, he was civil with his own ex-girlfriend, so there wasn't really any reason that Mark and Amy couldn't be okay.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, sure am." Mark grinned.


"SURPRISE!!!" A bunch of voices shouted at once, when Mark and Jack had arrived through the doors of their destination. Arin had decided that they should have all met up there, rather than in Mark's house. Luckily it didn't screw things up.

"Oh my god! You guys! I knew we were meeting up but... Geez!" He turned towards Jack. "Did you plan this?!"

Jack laughed, as Mark stepped towards him, hugging him. Again, he thanked his Irish boyfriend, giving him several kisses on the cheek and neck before turning to face everyone else, greeting them and giving them hugs.

There were quite a few people who managed to turn up. From Bob, Wade, Ken, Felix, Arin, Danny, Suzy, Brian and Ross, to Matthias, Amanda - who had even brought little Luna with them. Tyler, Ryan and Matt were there too.

Just as Mark was going around, hugging, greeting and conversing with everyone, Jack hung back and crossed his arms, a small frown on his face. He was so deep in thought that he hadn't even noticed Brian sliding up to him, also standing looking all serious with his arms crossed. Well, I guess he was called Ninja Brian after all.

"How's it going?" He casually asked, glancing at Jack. Jack look startled for a moment, as if Brian had materialized out of nowhere, right before his very eyes. Jack calmed and shrugged, forcing a smile.

"I'm alright, I guess."

"Are you sure?" He asked. Jack rose a brow. "You seem a little tense." Brian continued.

"I'm not, I'm just--" Jack stopped, as Brian continued to give him that look, showing he wasn't very convinced. He sighed. "I just feel a little weird, that's all."


"Because while I was with Mark, we ran into Amy. Mark's ex." Jack admitted. Brian rose his brows by the tiniest bit, before slowly nodding, understanding.

"Well, I can see how that'd be weird. After all, everyone here knows about you and Mark now. News spreads fast."

"I'm guessin' Felix is the culprit of that." Jack joked.

"Yeah, well, I get how it could have been weird."

"Yeah, but I'm not sayin' Mark can't talk to her. After all, he would probably feel a little awkward around Signe, but he'd have no problem with me speaking to her..."

"I wouldn't think about it too much. Just try to enjoy yourself, it is Mark's birthday, after all."

"Yeah, you're right." Jack agreed.
Smiling and feeling slightly better thanks to Brian, Jack headed over to the bigger group, coming face to face with Matthias and Amanda, who seemed to be trying to take care of Luna.

"Hey you guys! It's been awhile!" Jack spoke.

"It sure has! How have you been?" Amanda kindly asked, as she lightly bobbed Luna in her arms to keep her calm.

"Things are okay. What about you guys? How's Luna?"

"She's doing good actually!" Matthias said. "I swear this is your first time meeting her."

"Actually, yeah! It is!" Jack realized. "She's so adorable!"

"I remember when Mark first met her. He was so funny about it." Amanda giggled.

"What was that? I heard my name." Mark grinned, turning away from a few others to join in on the conversation.

"Remember? When you met Luna? You made a joke how you didn't want to get too close in case you infected her with something." Amanda laughed.

"Oh yeah..." Mark sheepishly grinned as Matthias and Jack chuckled.

"That's my adorable Markimoo." Jack teased. Mark smirked.

"Hey, it's me that's supposed to be teasing the little Irish leprechaun over here." Mark shot back.

"Aghh, you two are so cute!" Amanda complimented with a smile. The two men both beamed, looking at each other lovingly in the eyes. Mark brought his arms out, taking Jack into a hug and snuggling his face into Jack's green hair.

"I feel lucky to have him..." Mark whispered.

"I feel the same." Jack said in response, kissing Mark on the cheek.

However, this party wasn't really all about them, and was more about Mark. With a grin on his face, Jack spoke excitedly to their friends.

"Let's get this party started!"

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