Just Go [60]

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Mark hadn't spoken to Jack since last night and it was now creeping up to midday. But Jack didn't care. He honestly didn't. He was that angry, that frustrated that he literally couldn't give two shits. If anything was going to resolve itself, Mark was really going to have go realize the problem, rather than just saying sorry and then going to make himself look like an idiot two seconds later.

The Irishman was busy recording videos, still doing the whole spooptober thing, with his character Antisepticeye. So far, Robin had done an amazing job with all the editing, and he just loved how well it was delivered. The fans were loving it, and were so happy that their beloved crazy Anti, had returned another year.

However, there were people who questioned why he and Mark hadn't done a thing together, him being Anti with Mark being Dark. But for obvious reasons (them not getting along as of lately), this is why this wasn't happening. Of course, the fans didn't know that Mark and Jack were having their problems, or that Mark wasn't friends with Matt and Ryan anymore, seeing as they hadn't said anything.

Jack didn't really want to make his fans worry and panic, thinking that things were going terribly. Because in all honesty, it could have been worse. Jack did not hate Mark in any way, and he was sure Mark was just antsy because of the whole Matt and Ryan thing. So, it wasn't really an issue with them, but more what was going on around them and the people they were friends with.

But Jack wasn't going to stop being friends with them. That didn't mean he was picking sides, because he sure as hell was not. He didn't care that they were his friends, and that Mark was his boyfriend. It literally had nothing to do with him, which is why he had no issue with hanging out with one or the other.

That is why Mark shouldn't get angry with him because he was hanging out with them. After all, he apologized for taking shit out on him, and then continued to do so anyway.

Just as Jack was deep in thought, after finishing the recording of another video, he noticed his phone was buzzing quite often and it would not be quiet. He went to check who was messaging him, to see it was Signe. She seemed to be messaging him, asking him if he wanted to come to the cinema with her and Michael.

He hadn't seen a movie at the cinema since his birthday, so he thought why not. Of course, he'd ask Mark if he wanted to come. Because even if Mark was being super difficult, he wasn't going to be douchey and ignore his existence.

Mark seemed to be out of his recording room, just sitting on the couch in the living room, playing with Chica. Jack slowly walked over, leaning his forearms into the back of the couch, putting all his bodyweight onto it as he watched Mark run his hands over her fur. He smiled a little.

"Hey, Mark?"

"...Hm?" Mark paused, turning to face him, not answering and turning back towards Chica. He frowned. "Hey, Jack... What do you want?"

"...Well, Signe and Michael are going go the cinema, and they asked me if I wanted to go and I wanted to know if you'd want to come with me?"

"Well, did they ask me to be there?" Mark asked. Jack rose a brow, pausing before answering.

"Uh, no...? But I just thought that--"

"I think I'll pass." Mark said, interrupting him. The Irishman narrowed his eyes, standing upright and placing his hands on the back of the couch now, instead of leaning onto his arms.

"Mark, you can stop being a jerk. Maybe you should at least be happy that I'm inviting you out with me, even though you've been really pissin' me off."

"Jack, I'd just rather be by myself to be honest. Just go."

Jack glared at the American, his grip tightening on the couch, almost to the point of where his knuckles where beginning to turn white. Mark was really just trying to push his buttons, wasn't he?

"Fine." Jack growled. "But don't say I didn't ask." He finished, turning on his heel to stomp out.

"Have fun with Signe." Mark replied over his shoulder. Jack couldn't tell whether or not that was a sarcastic remark or not, but it really sounded like one, that just made him snap.

"Oh, yeah! I fuckin' will! Because I'm sure as hell not gonna have any fun with you!" Jack snapped, finally storming out of the room.


What a fucking asshole... Really...

Jack was just getting more and more worked up as the days passed. He didn't like being an angry person, he really didn't. But Mark was really, REALLY pushing it. He was lucky that he has a decent amount of patience when it came to him. Because if it hadn't been Mark, he thinks he could have snapped a lot worse by now.

But whatever, the movie. He just wanted to once again go away from thinking about Mark, to just thinking about the movie with Signe and Michael. Speaking of Signe and Michael, even they were being kind of weird.

Before and after the movie, entering and leaving, they weren't as social as they had been the other day. Maybe the whole stress of trying to find a decent house or apartment in L.A was really getting to them. But he didn't really want to ask them what the problem was.

Not like he'd have to take long to find out, anyway. In fact, he was going to find out that evening.

Jack got home sometime in the evening, coming through the front door. He closed it shut after going inside, and rose a brow when he could actually hear Mark talking to someone. Well, laughing more than talking.

It was coming from the living room. So, Jack decided to walk to the living room, surprised to find Mark and Amy together playing video games on the game console. Looks like he had found the source of the sound.

"Uh... You guys look like you're havin' fun." Jack said, catching their attention.

"Oh, hey Jack." Mark said, pausing the game and turning to face him. "Was the movie good?"

"Yeah, it was alright." Jack shrugged. "What about you? You enjoying playin' video games with Amy?"

Mark slightly narrowed his eyes a little, seeming to notice the emphasis he put on Amy's name. Amy must've noticed the sudden tension, because she sat, looking uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I did, actually."

"Well, good. But you missed out on a pretty good movie."

The room went silent, the sound of only the rain now beginning to start slapping against the glass windows. To interrupt the weird hiatus, Jack's phone began to ring. So, he just sighed and rolled his eyes, answering it.

"Hello? ...What? Signe?" Jack rose his eyebrows, looking at Mark seriously who then rolled his brown eyes and turned back around to face towards the TV.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? .....Do you want me to come over? ...No, come on. You sound really upset. I know it's raining, but... Okay... Okay... See you soon, okay? ...Bye." Jack finished, hanging up. He frowned at Mark.

"I gotta go again."

"Yeah, I heard." Mark huffed.

"Mark, it's not my fault, she's fucking upset!" Jack growled before looking at the floor, mumbling sadly. "I haven't heard her cry like that in ages. I wonder what happened..."

"Well, whatever. Just go if you're that curious."

"Oh, fuck you." Jack answered. "That's what I was gonna do anyway."

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