On my way [53]

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Fuck... Jack didn't know what to say. Here he was, having a good time with Felix, Brad and Michael in Brighton, while Mark was back in America, stressed out over the fact that Matt and Ryan wanted to leave.

There was absolutely no way he was going to be able to enjoy himself now, with this on his mind. He bit his lip in thought, using his free hand to run it through his hair, taking a big clump of it into his hand as he exhaled.

He felt like this was his fault. He never wanted Matt and Ryan to feel left out, like he was taking Mark away from them. Yet that's exactly what he was doing. Since he came to live with Mark, Mark definitely didn't spend at much time with them as he could have. And it was all because of him, being utterly clingy to Mark like a stupid fucking leash.

"I'm sorry, Mark..." Jack managed to whisper, closing his eyes as he once again breathed in and breathed out.

"What are you apologizing for...? You don't have to apologize for anything." Mark said.

"No, but I do... Ever since I got kicked out, and since I went to live with you... I feel like I've been too clingy... It's no wonder Matt and Ryan would want to leave."

"No, Jack... Don't... Don't say that. I chose to hang out with you because I could, because I love you. I mean, it's not like I haven't wanted to hang out with Matt and Ryan, because I have. But just being able to have you living under the same roof as me, it had been something I had been dreaming of since forever... And man, the fact that we got to tell everyone the truth... That one amazing night..." Mark paused. "It didn't all happen because you think you were being clingy. You aren't even clingy. You're amazing."

Jack managed a small smile.

"I don't really know how to reply to that." Jack sadly chuckled, staring down at his feet.

"Yeah, well... It's how I feel..."

"But, Mark... I... I can't leave you there in America while you're like this, with me just having fun with Felix. It doesn't feel right..."

"No, Jack. Listen, I'm okay. I'm fine. You have fun, okay? Just spend time with Felix and Marzia, don't worry about me. Just enjoy yourself."


"Please, Jack." Mark interrupted him, before then abruptly hanging up. Jack noticed the call stopping, looking at his phone with a worried look in his eyes.

Was Mark really expecting him to enjoy the rest of his time here, knowing how Mark felt. Because that wasn't something he could do. Unlike Mark, he wasn't the type of guy to bury things at the back of his mind and then deal with them much later. He may have sometimes had times like that now and then, but he wasn't someone who really liked to bury things away. Because that was only going to make him feel worse. He had to be with Mark. He just HAD to.

Finally joining the others in the living room, he anxiously sat down on the couch, wondering how exactly to tell the others he needed to go. Was Felix even going to be willing to make a early, last minute trip back to the airport just for him? He was hoping that if he told him the situation, that's exactly what he'd do.

The moment Felix entered the room with Marzia, Jack got up off the couch. Before they could say a word, Jack went to speak.

"Felix... Listen, can I talk to you? It's important." Jack frowned. Felix rose his eyebrows, looking from Jack to the others, then back to Jack again. He pointed at himself.

"Just me?"

"Mhm..." Jack nodded, his mouth dry.

Felix stared back at him, looking concerned. He glanced at the others again, before motioning to Jack to follow him out of the room. Jack happily followed, impatient to tell Felix what was on his mind.

"Okay, what's up?" The Swedish man asked. Jack sighed, scratching the back of his neck in wonder of how to start.

"Listen... I uh, Mark called me up just now... He's really stressed out about something and he seems really upset. I don't want to leave him by himself so... I was wonderin' if you could drive me back to the airport...?"

"By himself? Doesn't he have Matt and Ryan?"

Jack smiled a bittersweet smile. He was asking about the exact thing which was the problem.

"That's the thing... Remember what I spoke to you about...? It's exactly as I thought. I wasn't just bein' paranoid. They felt left out, really left out. Left out enough to the point of them wanting to move out..." Jack murmured. Felix's eyes widened in surprise.

"Really? They're just gonna move out just like that? What the fuck? Shit, man... Poor Mark. I mean, he has you, but..."

"I know. He's definitely not ready for them to go. I wanna be there for him, Felix. I'm sorry if it's such a hassle, but please take me back to the airport."

Felix stared back at Jack, as if he was still slightly contemplating the idea. But with a small smile, a sigh and the shrug of his shoulders, Felix seemed to agree.

"Alright, fine. Normally, I'd think you could just wait... But... I get how you and Mark really care about each other. You must hate being away from him when he's suffering like that."

"I do... I really do, Felix... It makes me just want to... I don't know, cry, knowing that he seems so upset about it..."

"Alright, well, I'll take you back to the airport." Felix said with a small nod. Jack's face lit up with a smile.

"Really?! Oh my god! Thank you so much, Felix!" Jack exclaimed, clasping his hands together, showing just how thankful he was.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Felix shrugged. "You can go out to the car, I'll just let the others know."

"Okay." Jack said, going to go out to the car. He sat inside, closing the car door and putting his seatbelt on. He exhaled, nervously wringing his hands together. Mark had absolutely no idea he was already on his way back, but he hoped he was going to be happy to see him.

"Don't worry, Mark... I'm comin'..."

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