Self conscious [20]

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"Markimoo~!" A voice called, which sounded like it was a million miles away.

"Mark!" The Irish voice said again, becoming clearer now. It was then that Mark felt someone else's lips lightly brush up against his and his eyes started to flicker open as he was awaking from his sleep.

He saw Jack's blue piercing eyes in front of him, as he realized it was him he was kissing. Jack grinned, pulling away when he had seen he had woken him up.

"Hey, you're finally awake!" Jack beamed as Mark let out a low yawn.

"Jack...? H-Hey... What time is it?"

"It's 10 am. Felix texted me, asking if we were awake." Jack explained.

"Oh, right..." Mark smiled. "Well, thanks for the morning kiss."

Jack giggled.

"No problem, Marky Mark." Jack smiled. "But seriously, you might wanna get up. Felix and Marzia wanna meet us in 30." Jack stated, causing Mark to let out a childish moan as he rolled off the sofa, going to get himself ready for the day ahead.


Walking hand in hand, Jack and Mark glanced at a bunch of stores as they were strolling down the street together. Mark kept looking down at his phone now and then as he and Felix were texting back and forth. Jack pouted, still oblivious as to where they were headed.

"Where are we goin', Mark?" Jack questioned, his eyes glazing to another shop window before staring back over to the red head at his side.

"Felix told us to meet him at a Café which is literally just around the corner of this street." Mark explained, casually shoving his phone away into the back pocket of his jeans. Jack nodded, understanding.

"Right..." Jack mumbled, looking over his shoulder as he noticed a few people stopping and eyeing the two. He frowned, feeling self conscious. He didn't know whether those people recognized them or not, or whether it was because they were two guys holding hands. But due to how uncomfortable the occasional stares made him feel, he let go of Mark's hand. Mark rose a brow at him, confused.

"You okay, Jack?" Mark asked. Jack nodded.

"Yeah... Yeah, sorry. I just... Hate people staring at us."

"Oh." Mark smiled. "It's okay, you don't need to apologize. I understand."

After all, people not seeming to mind their own business made him feel slightly on edge too. Plus, maybe it wasn't a good idea, walking around holding hands. You never knew when you could run into a fan. And the last thing they needed was their relationship being plastered all over the internet for everyone to see on the second day of them dating.

Jack was worried he had upset Mark, by not wanting to hold his hand. But the reassuring smile seemed to tell him otherwise, making the sudden pang of regret instantly fizzle away.

They turned a corner, Mark pointing at the Café that they were going to which was literally a few stores away. It wasn't long before they reached the door and were greeted by a delicious smell of all types of foods hitting their nostrils, from cakes to even cooked breakfast.

Following after Mark, the two men walked up to the counter, a woman happily grinning from ear to ear at them when she had turned her attention towards them.

"What would you two gentlemen like?" She wondered, as Mark glanced at Jack with a shrug.

"What do you want?"

"Uh... I guess I'll just have a coffee." Jack answered. Mark nodded, looking back at the lady.

"Two coffees then, please." Mark said. He rose his eyebrows, noticing Jack taking out his wallet beside him and he gave him a slight nudge.

"It's fine, Jack. I can pay for both of us." Mark offered, now grabbing for his wallet out of one of the pockets of his black hoodie. Jack frowned.

"Ya don't have to, Mark."

"No, it's okay. Really." Mark pressed, handing the money over the counter. Jack stood, uncertain for a moment but then put his wallet away, a grin on his face.

"Thanks, Mark."

"No problem, boo." Mark jokingly winked at him when he was given back some leftover change.

"You can go sit down and your coffees will be brought over to you in a few moments." She said.

"Thank you so much." Jack politely said as he and Mark went to go find a seat. It wasn't long before they saw a familiar face, poking out from behind a small Café menu. Felix was waving to them, with Marzia sitting next to him also giving a slight wave. The half Korean and the Irishman bounded over, glad to see them.

"Hey you guys!" Mark exclaimed, pulling back a chair on the opposite side of the table before sitting down. Jack did the same.

"Why are you hiding behind a menu?" Jack questioned, a brow raised at Felix in confusion.

"Because we had a few people recognize us on our way over here from the hotel." Felix hissed. "It's not that I don't like meeting fans, but I'd just like to hang out with you guys today without getting jumped, if that makes sense."

"Right... Well, fair enough." Mark commented, just as the same woman from behind the counter delivered them their coffees, placing each of them in front of them on the table.

"Hope you two enjoy." She said

"We will, thank you so much!" Jack said again, allowing the lady to smile and leave them be.

"So... What do you guys actually want to do today?" Mark wondered, before taking a sip of his coffee.

"You see, this is why we should plan stuff." Jack joked.

"Well, when we texted to come over, we had no idea." Felix admitted. "But as we were walking back from the hotel, we saw a poster for a fair which is literally like, a thirty minute drive from here."

"A fair?" Mark and Jack repeated in unison, Mark seeming quite casual about it, while Jack sat, his eyes gleaming like a child who had just been given a tub of candyfloss.

"Mhm. We were thinking maybe we should go. I took a picture of the poster if you guys wanted to." Felix continued, holding his phone out for one of them to take it. Mark took it into his grasp, rising his eyebrows when he saw the image on the screen.

"Oh! I know where this is! I saw this poster too, I completely forgot it was today!" Mark cried, seeming more excited.

"Should we go?" Marzia shrugged.

"Do you guys wanna?" Mark said, looking at the three others, as they all shared a glance and nodded in agreement.

"Hell yeah. Could be fun." Jack grinned.

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