I Get It [58]

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Recording some horror games, something Jack was excited for. It was time to start getting spooky, as he was spending his October once again bringing the Antisepticeye character to life.

Sadly, Mark didn't seem to be in on the idea of doing Darkiplier as he wanted to do other things. Which was fine with Jack. Mark was even out hanging out with friends of his who were Tyler, Ethan and even Amy - which Jack was perfectly fine with, as Mark and Jack had sorted their little miscommunication problem out the best they could. Sure, with Halloween Jack was going to be busy this month, but things were okay nonetheless.

So, he was just busy playing horror games, trying to act all creepy every now and then. Just pretty much using the techniques he did last year, also trying to make it an all new experience, maybe better than last year. He was certain Robin was going to do a good job with it.

Finishing another video with his usual outro, Jack noticed his Skype notifications. So, finishing the recording, he went over to Skype, raising his eyebrows when he saw Ryan was calling him. Seeing no harm in answering, he happily answered the call, not just seeing Ryan's face on screen, but he also saw Matt, Brian, Danny and Arin, all sitting in front of the camera on the couch. Jack grinned, waving when he saw them.

"Hey guys!" Jack called.

"Hey Jack! It's been awhile!" Danny replied, earning a small nod from everyone in agreement, apart from Matt and Ryan, who had only seen Jack a couple of days ago.

"How is Mark?" Arin asked, the name alone seeming to slightly strike a nerve with Matt and Ryan. They didn't say anything, but Jack could tell by the tiniest reaction alone that they were still mad at him.

"Uh... He's been... Up and down I guess but... He's okay." Jack tried with a shrug. It was true that Mark was okay on most days, now that he knew that he had upset Jack. But at times he still got kind of weird, not acting like his usual self. Still, things could have been worse.

"I see... Well, we were actually wondering if you wanted to hang out with us." Arin wondered. Jack thought for a moment, not really wanting to decline the opportunity.

"Uh--" Jack started, interrupted as he noticed someone else was trying to call him on Skype. He nodded. "Yeah, sounds good. I'll be by in a couple of minutes. Though, I gotta go right now as someone is callin' me, but I'll see you soon."

"Alright, see you, Jack!"

Jack then went to answer the other call, seeing that it was Signe who was calling him. When he answered it, her face popped up on the screen and she smiled when she saw him.

"Hey, Jack!"

"Hey, Signe. What's up?" Jack wondered, leaning back in his computer chair. She peered into the camera, looking bored as she rested the side of her face in her hand.

"I'm just bored. Michael is sorting things out with the apartment, so I'm just sitting here in this stupid hotel room." Signe sighed, fluttering her eyes in boredom as she rolled them.

"Oh, sorry to hear that." Jack frowned for a moment before a thought came to his mind and his face lit up. "Hey, I'm going to spend the day with the Game Grumps if you wanna join me?"

"What, really?" Signe rose her eyebrows. She smiled. "I'd love to!"

"Awesome!" Jack chimed, giving her a thumbs up. "Do you want me to pick you up from there, or are you gonna come to me?"

Signe pouted, thinking for a moment before responding.

"I'll just go to you and we'll walk there together, it'll avoid a bunch of confusion with directions and shit." Signe said, waving her hand around as she spoke.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you soon then." Jack responded.

"Yeah, see you!" Signe beamed, before they both hung up. Jack decided to get out of his computer chair to go put his shoes on and his jacket, so he'd be ready when Signe got there.

Moments later, just after Jack placed his glasses on his face and was pretty much ready, there was a knock at the door and Jack went to answer it. He expected it to be Signe, but it was none other than Mark, Ethan, Tyler and Amy coming back from whatever activities they may have been up to.

"Oh, hey you guys! You guys have fun?" Jack asked, closing the door for them when the last person entered. They all nodded, looking quite cheerful.

"Yeah, we were just fucking around in the park. And then we actually ran into some people who knew us so we sorta just hung with them for awhile." Ethan said.

"Oh, cool!" Jack answered enthusiastically, despite practically bouncing on the tips of his toes, itching to get out of the house. Mark gave him a curious sideways glance, as if he was about to ask him a question, but for how Jack was saved by the bell when there was another knock at the door and Jack went to answer it.

"Hey!" The girl standing on the other side of the door exclaimed.
"Hey Signe!"

"Oh, hey Signe!" Mark called from behind Jack, catching her attention and earning a wave from her in response. Mark looked at Jack with the look of wonder in his eyes.

"So, where you guys going? We were actually gonna ask if you wanted to play some games with us." Mark said. Jack slightly frowned as he looked to Signe, then back to Mark, Tyler, Ethan and Amy.

"Uh, sorry... I'd like to and all but I was actually invited to... Hang out with the Grumps..." Jack finished, sounding guilty. Everyone seemed to nod, understanding. Well, everyone apart from Mark who just seemed like he stood frozen like a rock.

"Oh, well that's cool." Ethan answered. "We can hang out some other time! Come on you guys, let's set up a game in the living room!" Ethan continued excitedly, getting Tyler and Amy to follow after him.

However, Mark stood his ground, not moving. His face looked almost straight, but there was definitely a bit of a glare there. A look of annoyance. One that Jack was really expecting.

"Mark, don't give me that look. I know you're mad with them, but they're my friends too and--"

"No, I get it." Mark interrupted him, staring at him seriously, not even seeming to blink as he nodded his head the tiniest bit. "I get it..."


"Whatever, just go have fun, Jack. I'm perfectly fine not having you here, if that's what you'd rather be doing. So go ahead." Mark finished, turning on his heel to leave the room.

Jack gritted his teeth in annoyance, wanting to say something in return. But he couldn't think of anything that came to mind. It probably would have been better to leave things as they were for now.

Things were sorted, my ass.

"Uh... Are we still going...?" Signe innocently asked. Jack exhaled, taking the bridge of his nose between his thumb and his two fingers, before dropping his arm to his side and turning to face her with a small nod.

"Yeah, let's go..."

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